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WUBL – the brand new drink for kids!

Published on 25th February 2018 by Tessa Robinson

Have you heard the news? There’s an awesome new brand out there, created just for preschool children called WUBL and at it’s heart is health, wellbeing and fun. Unhappy with the way the drinks market targeted young children, namely with colourful products that have loads of sugar in them, Mark ’n’ Leigh, the founders of WUBL, decided to be pioneers and create the very first spring water brand just for preschoolers.WUBL - the brand new drink for kids!

And they’ve called it WUBL Water. Mark says that:

“The aim of WUBL Water is to give parents and children a genuinely fun, yet sugar free alternative to smoothies, juices, juicy waters, squash and fizzy drinks.”

Leigh and Mark want to see it available in all the places that parents go out with their children. And their pioneering didn’t just stop there, they also chose to put their smooth tasting, Somerset spring water into a small, squidgy carton, to fit perfectly into a child’s hand.

Not only is the carton more hygienic (as it can’t be refilled), it also contains 90% less plastic than a bottle and is 100% recyclable too.

The pioneering’s continued with the creation of WUBL World, which Leigh describes as “A quirky, fun and free online space for preschoolers to play in.

Giving children the chance to get to know the family, who are the watery wonderers that live on WUBL World and on the WUBL Water packaging.”

Mark says:

“We know that children develop their opinions as to what they like very early on, well before school, which is why WUBL Water is like it is, to make water cool and fun and without a granule of sugar in sight.”

Leigh continues,

“And WUBL World gives children the chance to interact with a brand driven by health and wellbeing, which we think is unique.”

And why focus specifically on preschoolers, “That’s easy,” says Mark,

“They are building their personalities, exploring, having fun and offering healthy food and drink at this age improves the likelihood of healthy decisions throughout life. We had to help water compete.”

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