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Essentials to Take With you to your Kids Activity with daddilife

Published on 10th December 2017 by Tessa Robinson

Essentials to Take With you to your Kids Activity with daddilifeEssentials to Take With you to your Kids Activity with daddilife. It’s the end of a long week, and now the fun can really begin. You know what club hub activity you want, you’re booked and ready to go. But do you have everything you need to maximize a great time at the clubs?

As we’ve been spending more and more time out in various different club activities, here’s our essentials to take with you in that day bag/ rucksack, and why you need them. Some you may already know, some may just surprise you…

Change of clothes (especially trousers/bottoms): You’ll be used to taking a change of clothes with you when your children are babies, and a change of clothes is just as important at toddler and infant stage but for different reasons. At Toddler stage you’ll be soon in that potty training phase, and a ‘little accident’ is all too common when you mix in the ecstatic fun that the activities are going to provide. At infant stage where the energy is still really rocking you may want to bring that extra T-shirt or bottoms just for that bit of extra freshness on the way back home.

Plenty of water: Getting active is the name of the game at the weekend so ensuring you’ve taken plenty of water along with you is crucial. Make sure you’ve packed your kids water bottle with you so you can access that all important H20 as quickly as possible. I actually like to pack 2 bottles just in case!

Sudocrem: Little known fact about Sudocrem is that it’s not only a brilliant nappy rash cream, it actually has all the properties of an antiseptic skin care for more everyday needs. So when that inevitable fall, cut or scrap happens did you know you can use a little Sudocrem on that wound? What’s great about it too is that it comes in a little bottle so won’t take up much space in that rucksack!

Snacks: Raisins, fruit, rice cakes, bars – what’s your usual favourite? Well, whatever it is leave it to one side for a second. When the kids are ready for a snack or meal they’re at their hungriest and they’ll be ready for some food intake. Why not use your powers of craftiness to not just default to their usual favourites but inject some things that you’ve been cautious to try at home at dinner time. So whether it’s a new way to cook healthy pizza or home made chicken lollipops

Puzzle/game: On the way there or on the way back, I find having a little puzzle, game or toy can be ideal for that last bit of wind down before you get back home. The right one can keep their mind engaged so they’re using all the muscles in the body that day!

Whatever you bring, make sure you’re all set for a great day!

Han-Son is the Founder of – a parenting website for dads featuring tips, stories and advice across a range of different areas for the modern day dad.

Category: Club Hub, Parents

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