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Category Archives: Parents

Quick and Easy Snack Ideas for Kids [9 Healthy Options]
Quick and Easy Snack Ideas f...
Feeding toddlers is a full-time job. It is very hard to keep them full and content all the time as it is  normal for them to be hungry in between meals. So you always have to keep a few snack options in hand. However, many packaged foods items are proved to be extremely unhealthy. They […]
Apr 01, 2016 , 0
How to Choose the Best University for your Child
How to Choose the Best Unive...
How do you Choose the Best University for your Child? It is one of the most critical decisions that will affect their adulthood. You have a wide range of options to choose from depending on distance, size, costs, and housing to name a few. All these factors are going to affect how you choose the […]
Mar 30, 2016 , 0
The Complete Guide on How and When to Introduce Solid Food to Your Baby
The Complete Guide on How an...
You should continue breastfeeding your newborn until they’re six months old. Babies are ready for solid food by the time they’re four months, but that doesn’t mean you can jump straight into the process. Solid food should complement breastfeeding or formula feeding at first. Babies stop using their tongues to push food away during this […]
Mar 28, 2016 , 0
10 Guaranteed Ways to Motivate Your Children to Do Well in School
10 Guaranteed Ways to Motiva...
If you are having trouble motivating your children to stay motivated and work hard, then you are not alone. Many parents take the wrong approaches to motivate their children for school. Here are a few tips that can help change that. Don’t Irritate Them: It is important to identify that parents are capable of annoying […]
Mar 23, 2016 , 0
Will Drinking Coffee Impact My Kid’s Health?
Will Drinking Coffee Impact ...
Is coffee safe for children? If your child has been requesting a cup of coffee of their own while you are ordering your usual cup of coffee, you may find yourself asking this question. Or, perhaps, they demand one when the rest of the family is enjoying theirs every morning. It is okay if you’re […]
Feb 11, 2016 , 0
How To Pay for The Private School of Your Kids
How To Pay for The Private S...
There are lots of reasons why you may choose sending your child to a private school. It could be that public schools are not working best for your young one or just a plan that you have had since your child was born. Besides, even studies have shown that students who attend private schools are […]
Jan 28, 2016 , 0
Best 5 Ways to Instill the Love of Reading in the Youth Generation
Best 5 Ways to Instill the L...
Reading is an essential aspect of the life of every kid. By encouraging your children to read, you contribute to their future, develop their personalities and awaken their imagination. There is a great importance of reading to children at an early age, so it’s never late to start. Aside from instilling a love for reading […]
Jan 27, 2016 , 0
How Parents can Start their Kids YouTube Channel
How Parents can Start their ...
In today’s world of technology, it comes as no surprise that almost everything you need to know is available on the internet. Be it for entertainment or educational purposes, there’s nothing that you can’t find in an interactive content format that can help you develop a more holistic understanding of a myriad of things yet […]
Jan 24, 2016 , 0
Is Online Tutoring a Good Option for My Child?
Is Online Tutoring a Good Op...
In recent years, especially during the Coronavirus pandemic, online education has become mainstream. Online tutoring continues to gain popularity, and there is every sign that this trend is here to stay. With that said, many parents and caregivers wonder if online education is actually a good option for children. The answer is a resounding yes. […]
Jan 04, 2016 , 0
Planning a Wedding Your Kids Will Love
Planning a Wedding Your Kids...
According to the latest British Social Attitudes Survey, almost two-thirds of people now see little difference between living together and getting married and only 28% say they believe married couples make better parents. Indeed, many people are leaving marriage until after they have kids, with psychologist Donna Dawson telling the BBC that for them, a wedding is […]
Jan 04, 2016 , 0

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