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Tessa Robinson – Founder of Club Hub Graduates from the Entrepreneur Academy

Published on 9th July 2017 by Tessa Robinson

Entrepreneur AcademyLast Wednesday our Founder, Tessa Robinson, graduated from the Entrepreneur Academy in London.

Here are a few words from her time in the Entrepreneur Academy .

“I joined the Entrepreneur Academy  in January this year and have loved every second of it. My low cost packages for kid’s activity providers have gone through the roof and are now fully booked up till the end of May. I have started sponsoring businesses up and down the U.K. and they have all taken Club Hub from strength to strength.

My website is getting more page views every day nearing the 3,000 mark every week now and last month it actually crashed with the amount of kid’s activity providers uploading their details. Over Easter I actually reached the big 1,000 activity milestone on the app and website and I truly can’t thank Junior and the Entrepreneur Academy for their events and endless support.”

Entrepreneur AcademyThe Entrepreneur Academy London is an inspiring training program. Each year we take in a group of aspiring and existing entrepreneurs and expose them to a network of like-minded business owners and over 20 hours of 1-to-1 business coaching with experts in different fields. In addition, we host monthly mastermind seminars delivered by celebrity entrepreneurs who each reveal their secrets to success.

Unlike a typical business accelerator we do not take any equity and the structure is flexible enough for even part-time entrepreneurs to participate. As a result of this initiative, the academy will accelerate the progress of hundreds of entrepreneurs growing together on our network.

Get involved! Let’s get you closer toward your goals.

Why Entrepreneur Academy 2017?

The academy was created to help entrepreneurs speed up their journey to success. Your level of success is based on Entrepreneur Academythe knowledge you have and the people you know so this is your chance to get the biggest secrets for success and to get high quality connections that can open doors and opportunities for you.

3 Top reasons this can seriously help your business

  • This is unlike any other event you have participated it. Unlike normal networking events, this program was designed to give delegates opportunities to form deeper relationships with one another.
  • Apart from the mastermind seminars with our celebrity entrepreneurs, you will also get an intimate Q&A sessions with them. Think about what you will learn from the combined knowledge, wisdom and experience of these top business leaders!
  • On top of that you will also get about 20-hours of coaching with our hand selected business experts. They are ready to help you take your business to the next level.

Entrepreneur AcademyHow does it all work?

​This year we are carefully selecting 200 individuals to take part in the academy and learn directly from the most famous entrepreneurs in the country. Over 12-months, we will host 12 events, delivered by 12 celebrity speakers. We only have spaces for 200 entrepreneurs on the program and already have many places full so don’t wait… this could change the game forever.

Who are we looking for?

We want both aspiring and existing entrepreneurs who can add value to our community. Part of the value of the program is in the relationships you will be creating, so we want to make sure that the people getting on board are of a high quality and can be of value to you. People ready to seize opportunities, people that are committed to building their businesses  and expanding their network.

Where & when is the Entrepreneur Academy taking place?

All masterclasses take place at a Central London location. Full details will be sent out to the selected participants. It all kicks off July 27th and each of the mastermind sessions will be in the evenings on the last Wednesday of each month.

Applications for The Entrepreneur Academy London are open for 2017-2018.

Category: Club Hub

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