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Planning a Kids’ Party in the Garden where Adults Feel Welcome Too

Published on 22nd August 2016 by Tessa Robinson

The summer is the best time to plan a kid’s party outdoors. Instead of watching dozens of kids run riot in your living room, you can encourage them to burn off all the e-numbers outside instead. It will be a lot more relaxing and you won’t have to worry too much about spilled juice on the carpets or cake smushed into the sofa.

The great thing about a summer garden party for children is that you can encourage the adults to hang around too. There is more room outside, so a few extra parents won’t be an issue. This also ensures you have more beady eyes watching the kids, so nobody gets up to mischief.

Read on for some planning tips so the adults are more inclined to hang around next time you have a birthday party in the garden.

Provide Enough Food and Drink for Grownups

The best way to encourage parents to stay after dropping their kids off at a party is by providing a good selection of food and drink. Everyone loves a free meal but most adults won’t be that enthused by plates of chicken nuggets and plastic cups of sugary pop.

A BBQ is a great way to feed kids and adults. The kids will love hot dogs and burgers while the adults will appreciate more sophisticated fare like steaks and chicken kebabs. If you are really lucky, you might be able to persuade one of the dads to do a stint on the BBQ.

As for drinks, it’s sensible to have a fridge full of beer and wine for anyone not driving. While overindulging at a kids’ party isn’t recommended, most people do enjoy a nice cold beer or a chilled glass of wine on a sunny afternoon. It will encourage everyone to relax a bit while their kids are entertained.

Don’t forget to have some adult-friendly soft drinks too, such as orange juice, diet coca-cola, and sparkling water. Tea and coffee will also be appreciated.

Provide Enough Seating

Make sure you have enough chairs and tables in the garden. Nobody will want to sit on the lawn. A few tables and chairs, so people can eat and drink in comfort, are ideal. Have a cluster of chairs near the food and drink station, but not too close to where the kids are playing. Lazy Susan aluminium furniture is ideal if you want a tasteful garden set.

If you are ready to upgrade from cheap plastic chairs, consider something like a 4 seater garden furniture with free delivery. It will be perfect for the rest of the summer, too.

Play Adult-Friendly Music

You will have no luck persuading anyone to stay if they have to listen to kid’s songs for three hours. Stick to a more adult playlist instead.

If you want parents to hang around, it’s important to be clear that you are not expecting them to do any of the work. After all, this is your child’s party so you are the one doing the hard work. Some adult company will be appreciated nonetheless!

Category: Outdoors, Parties

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