Club Hub UK reaches 3000 Kids Activities
Published on 29th October 2017 by Tessa Robinson
Wow! We cannot believe we have reached the amazing milestone of 3000 Kids Activities.
Brand New Club Hub Product Launching Mid November 
- Kids Activity Providers – Thank you so much for upgrading your activities and getting our contact button on your listings on our app
- You are making parents lives easier and allowing them to get in contact with you within a few taps of their fingers
- We are using this money for a brand new product for Club Hub that both parents and kids activity providers will love
- We will be giving out weekly clues of what our new product will be on our Facebook Page. So Please like our page and keep up to date with our amazing news
- Kids Activity Providers! You have to upgrade your listings to get this amazing new product from parents or be charged £6 every time a parent uses it for your activity.
- We are now getting over 20,000 page views per month on our app and website. Thousands of Families are searching for kids activities every day. It is still totally free to upload your details via
- Remember you can feature any of your listings for only £30 for two whole weeks! We only have 3 spaces left in November and 5 in December. Book Now!
- Kids Activity Providers can now “Clone” their listings! So when adding a new location or club you can click the clone button next to the green upgrade button on one of your listings on your my clubs page. This (Clones) adds the same listing to your profile. You can then click the edit button on the listing to add the details or change details for your similar listing.
- “Club Hub UK Featured Club of the Week” Returned on the 1st of September! Tweet us Club Hub UK every Friday and describe your activity to us in one tweet – including the all important hashtag #ClubHubUK. The winner is chosen every Sunday at 6pm! The Winner will be on the homepage of our website for Two Whole Week and have Social Media Publicity for Two Whole Weeks! The winner will also be added to our private Club Hub UK Winners Facebook Group.
- Does anyone need any help with their business? Our C.E.O and founder, Tessa Robinson has opened 2 spaces per month to help individuals improve their sales, marketing, social media, publicity, admin, website, contacts and anything else that will improve their business hugely
- You will be able to contact Tessa whenever you want and will also receive general social media publicity for the whole month too!
- This package is only £60 for the whole month and is booking fast. Book Now
- Like our new Halloween Logo? Looking for someone to help you with your logo? Graphics for your website? Please get in touch with our amazing graphic designer. Ella.
Thank you for supporting us and spreading the word
Tessa Robinson
C.E.O and Founder of Club Hub UK