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Atom Club – You’ll find us on Club Hub UK

Published on 27th December 2016 by Tessa Robinson

Atom ClubAs a very new club, we’ve been thinking of various different ways in which we could promote our services and get the word out without spending a fortune. Sure, we needed a website and our sister company helped with that, but it’s no good having a great website if no-one can find it.

While hounding Twitter for more votes in the VOOM competition, we came across this great concept ‘Club Hub’ run by Tessa Robinson. It reminded me of how when we first moved to this village, we looked on various websites and no matter how much ‘Googling’ we did we couldn’t really find what was around. Very few clubs had websites and it turns out that most aren’t even listed on directory sites – they rely purely on word of mouth.

Tessa’s concept modernises the industry. She makes it easy and effective to advertise your club, plus incredibly easy to find a club for your children. We’re proud to be listed on Club Hub UK and even more so, to have played a part in making it a reality…

It all started when Kirsty – our Social Media Specialist, tweeted at Tessa to let her know about our sister company, The Honest Agency. As a social enterprise, their prices are much lower than others and so your apps need less fundraising and can have a lot more features on launch.

It was so great seeing the website and app transition from Tessa’s concept to reality and then gain momentum as the first few weeks went on. We’re telling all our local clubs about the great new service and we suggest that you do the same!

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