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What is Montessori for 0 to 3 year olds – SensorStory Baby Classes

Published on 27th June 2023 by Tessa Robinson

This may be your first-time encountering Montessori, or you may have heard of it but not know very much about the philosophy, or know that it can be put into practice for babies from birth – or even that it can be applied at home. The team at SensorStory Baby Classes has put together some useful information for ClubHub parents, as well as help dispel some of the myths that surround the more than 100-year-old method.

SensorStory Baby Classes – Early learning through play the Montessori way.

SensorStory Baby Classes – Early learning through play the Montessori way.

Montessori is quite unique. With practices such as the prepared environment, which is filled with Montessori materials. Where each material teaches a specific learning outcome & through repetition & practice, children master the five areas of the Montessori Curriculum, where learning through play is always purposeful & engaging. And principles such as the Absorbent Mind, Sensitive Periods, Respect for the Child.

The 10 principles of Montessori are based on the belief that children are naturally intelligent, that they deeply want to learn, and that they have immense potential and are just as much about understanding how children learn, as they are about defining how Montessori is different to traditional education. Montessori philosophy is rooted in the idea that little ones should be empowered to do things on their own – not because we want our children to grow up too fast, let children be children! But because they love it!

“the objective of Montessori education is not fill a child with facts, but to continue to cultivate their own natural desire to learn” – Dr. Maria Montessori

“the objective of Montessori education is not fill a child with facts, but to continue to cultivate their own natural desire to learn” – Dr. Maria Montessori

Parents are often surprised to hear that Montessori education isn’t limited to classrooms and school-age children. Montessori is in fact designed to be used from birth. All throughout childhood (Montessori considers the child from to 24-years-old) and through life, even being used with the elderly. Montessori education for babies & toddlers from birth to 3 years of age is about promoting, supporting & strengthening their natural development to their maximum potential. In a way that is more natural to them & encompasses everything we do & everything that they experience. It is a philosophy & believes that this learning starts from birth. 0-3 years of age is a particularly special time in Montessori – The Montessori method believes that the birth to three-year age group is the most important period of the whole of human development.

“The studies which have been made of early infancy leave no room for doubt: the first three years are important for ever” – Dr. Maria Montessori

“The studies which have been made of early infancy leave no room for doubt: the first three years are important for ever” – Dr. Maria Montessori

Dr. Montessori believed that the 0-3-year age group is the most important period of development for children, & modern science still agrees. During the first three years of life, the brain absorbs & processes more information than at any other time in life – from birth, infants are receptive & respond to all aspects of their environment absorbing the language & culture around them. Babies crave sensory stimuli, they deeply desire to absorb every sight, sound, smell, taste, & touch around them to acquire knowledge of the world. These first experiences become one of the earliest memories.

Montessori for babies – Nido – is Italian for “Nest”. It describes the nurturing environment designed to meet the developmental needs of babies from six weeks old to the developmental milestone of walking independently. The Montessori grown-up has a caring, respectful response to the infant’s needs & conveys the message of unconditional love & acceptance.

Montessori for Toddlers – The toddler environment is designed for little ones who are walking, through to three years. The pace is simpler & slower than the early childhood environment (three to six years), with Montessori materials & activities particular to this age group. It should never include simplified materials from the Montessori 3-6 curriculum.

In this community, there should be new opportunities for movement & independence. Development of language skills, art, music, informal sensorial activities & practical life activities. As well as modeling grace & courtesy (grace & courtesy lessons, as well as formal sensorial activities, won’t be introduced before 3-years-old). For the infant community, there should be activities to provide them with the experience of belonging to a community & activities to encourage social development.

In the toddler community, there should also be Practical Life activities available to give little ones the chance to develop skills to care for themselves & their environment. These are simple & offer a repetitive cycle that aids in establishing patterns of order & sequencing. Allowing freedom in a safe space is crucial to the infant community. However, it is always tempered by two important limits that will be beneficial for a lifetime; respect for others & respect for the environment. Building the child’s self-esteem, concentration & self-confidence is the ultimate goal. Everything in the 0-3 environment should be proportionate to the child’s size & designed to be aesthetically pleasing for little ones.

“Children learn naturally through activity and their characters develop through freedom” – Maria Montessori

“Children learn naturally through activity and their characters develop through freedom” – Maria Montessori

One misconception of Montessori is that it is an option only available to families with a large disposable income. Perhaps this misconception derives from the fact that sending your child to a Montessori school as opposed to a state school is indeed, a dear option. But Montessori education does not need to be costly – after all, Montessori education was initially developed for poor children in the slums of Rome by Dr. Maria Montessori at the start of the 1900s.

It is a way of life. Montessori influences the way we are with our children. Montessori is based on a philosophy. A set of values & a way of thinking. In this way, Montessori is an option for every family & can be adopted effectively with little to no budget. Montessori’s approach rests on the values of trust & respect. It encourages us to empower our little one’s curiosity. Learning to really see & accept them as they are. Remaining connected to the child even when we must stop them from doing something they reeeeeally want to do, showing respect to our child – as we would an adult. Seeing our little one’s as their own person on their own unique path. Understanding their development & supporting them as their guide & leader as opposed to being moulded. This is the Montessori way.

Head to sensorstorybabyclasses.com/articles where SensorStory discusses some of the most important aspects of Montessori Philosophy & it’s education. It also offers guidance on how you can bring Montessori into your home. As well as other support you may find useful & fun.

Lastly, while we love (most things) Montessori.  There are countless parenting practices & school/educational methods out there to choose from – each as individual as your precious family. Here at SensorStory we love to promote the Montessori philosophy for many reasons. Fundamentally because it’s what has worked for us as a family. You may choose another path and that’s absolutely okay! Nobody knows your child & their unique path as well as you do. Understanding & acceptance of others & their choices is of upmost importance. Our #1 piece of advice will always be – if anyone claims their way is the only way or the best way to parent or educate your child, run in the opposite direction!

From one parent to another,

with love

Barbra, founder at SensorStory x

See you soon at https://SensorStoryBabyClasses.com

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SensorStory has Montessori-aligned baby and toddler sensory classes suitable from birth to 3rd birthday in West London. Ruislip, Eastcote, Ickenham, Greenford and Harrow.

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