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Singing Mamas

At a Glance

Days: Thursday

Times: 10.00-11.30am

Age Range: 0 - 8

Price: £7 per session

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Activity Description

Singing Mamas is a singing class that is actually about the parents! We come together for 60 minutes of singing songs that will improve your wellbeing and connection with other adults as well as your little ones. We will then have 30 minutes to eat some cake, have a drink (I will personally make sure you get to drink it while it’s still hot!) and chat and feel connected to one another. Your babies and children are very welcome to join us and there will be toys and refreshments for them.

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Parking Available
Trial Class
Baby Change Facilities
Pay As You Go
Disabled Access
Accessible for Buggies
Refreshments Available
Mindfulness and Well-being
Activity Location
Address: Langleys Road, Birmingham, UK
City: West Midlands
Town: Birmingham
Post Code: B29 6HT

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