There are over 7,795 for you to search for.
Club Hub has millions of parents and carers searching for kids’ activities regularly for free. Check out our most popular categories on our directory and support children’s activity providers across the UK.
Take a look at our featured Club Hub kids activities and children’s clubs this week. Would you like your business to be featured? Check out our Membership Page for our extra publicity packages.
Club Hub is completely free for parents to use. If you are a ‘Children’s Activity Provider’ and would like to be listed on our website and app, you will need to sign up as a Club Hub Member. Join the UK’s Largest Babies, Toddlers and Children’s Activities Directory Today!
Our directory uses targeted marketing based on proximity so you get maximum exposure for your activities and classes to the local people you want.
Upload any type of activity for antenatal to 18 years with all your details listed.
Use our hashtag #ClubHubMember in your social media posts. Tag us @clubhubuk in your Instagram and Facebook stories. We also have a team of Club Hub Brand Reps.
As a Club Hub member you will be eligible to enter our yearly Club Hub Awards. You can also attend our Club Hub Event for Children’s Activity Providers.
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We have a high domain authority of 54 which means Google ranks us on the first page for lots of key phrases. This gives your business brand awareness and virtual presence.
Our free Club Hub app is full of thousands of Baby Classes, Toddler Groups, Kids Clubs, Party Ideas and Holiday Camps for you to contact. Club Hub offers the UK’s Number 1 service for parents seeking activity providers. From babies to age 18; from Dorset to Aberdeen – we’ve got it covered! Download the free Club Hub App now.
Stay in the know with the latest articles on kids activities, baby classes, toddler activities, kids clubs, holiday clubs and kids events on the Club Hub Blog. We love featuring amazing businesses and companies such as
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