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The Greatest Road Trip Activities for Kids to Keep Them Engaged

Published on 24th May 2023 by Tessa Robinson

The best thing about a family car is that you can travel anywhere as long as your vehicle is in excellent condition. Whenever you have free time, whether it’s a weekend or a vacation, you can pack your things, put the kids in the car and go on a new adventure.

In addition to packing, the most important task for parents is to come up with activities that they can offer children during the trip. Being in the car for several hours, they can start acting up, so you need to take care of how you will engage your children.

Even if you are planning to rent a car abroad, you can make it another fascinating activity. Make it a shared activity so that they also make responsible decisions and are passionate about it. You can check out vintage car rental to hire an exotic car that will delight your kids. Car rental will offer you a huge variety of cars and you and your children will be able to choose a fancy car for hire for your travels.

Having chosen a car for rent, you need to think about what they will do all the time that you will be on the road. You better come up with as many activities as possible so that children have fun.

Top Activities

Board games with magnets

Nothing is as exciting as board games. However, if you consider taking Monopoly, you will quickly realize that this is a bad idea. Within a few minutes, all game items will be scattered around the car.

If you want to rent a car and also make the whole family happy by hiring a luxury vehicle like the Lamborghini Urus, which you can rent on renty.ae/cars/lamborghini-urus, then you have to do a thorough cleaning of the salon before your rental time expires. Car rental will provide you with a rental vehicle in perfect condition and you will need to return it in the same clean condition. Therefore, depending on the age of your children, you can check out a variety of board games with magnetic play items.

Children’s audiobooks

You don’t want your kids to ruin their eyesight by reading books on the go during your vacation. Fortunately, now they can not only be read but also listened to. You can find any book, fairy tale, or children’s story that will captivate your little ones.

You can turn on an audiobook so everyone can listen to it, or you can download it to your phone so your child can put on headphones and listen. The main thing is to charge your gadgets and download some exciting audiobooks. You will see how the time to the destination of your vacation will pass unnoticed.

Educational games and applications

Now you can find a large number of educational games, as well as applications for children of different ages. Instead of letting kids play games that won’t do them any good, you can install some educational apps.

Some applications improve the general education of children, and there are also thematic applications aimed at learning arithmetic, foreign languages, science, and so on. You can choose from the following:

  • Busy Shapes;
  • com;
  • Hopscotch;
  • Duolingo, etc.

Travel Lego set

Right off the bat, you might think that this is another bad idea, but you should better consider this option. It looks like a suitcase with different pieces, from which children can build various structures. They do not need to make constructions on the floor, since the suitcase contains a field for attaching parts of the construction. They are on different topics, so you can choose what your child will like.


It is impossible to travel with children on a trip by car without preparation. Apart from the basic things, you need to come up with fun activities that will grab your kids’ attention. These can be audiobooks with interesting stories for children, a handy Lego constructor, educational applications, and much more.

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