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Jigsaw Performing Arts Classes Teach Children Transferable Skills For Life!

Published on 28th February 2023 by Tessa Robinson

There is no denial that the last few years have been eventful for both us adults and our growing and developing children. We may not think our young ones felt the stress of the major changes, but children have pressures just like us. School, homework, exams, maintaining friendships, the internet, the list goes on! Their resilience is admirable. Thankfully, things are starting to feel normal again, but some of the lasting effects still linger among our young ones. At Jigsaw Performing Arts Schools, we strongly believe in the benefits of the Performing Arts. And that Performing Arts classes can help to build friendships, confidence, enthuse expression, and teach transferable skills for life.

When booking a performing arts class for the first time, parents often ask themselves “How will this benefit my child?”.

Every one one of us can benefit, in some way, from the transferable skills that the performing arts provide. Beyond dance, singing and drama, performing arts classes teach skills for life. Helping young people build confidence in themselves, discover new talents and make true connections with new friends. We have all seen a change in the way we live our lives. Especially with how we communicate with one another.

As parents, we worry about how much time our children spend in front of their screens, playing video games, watching videos, and posting on social media. And whether they are experiencing enough face-to-face interactions with their friends and like-minded people their age. The more time spent online, the more distracted they become and they experience less true connections. True connections are human experiences where we interact with people on a personal level. Combine these interactions with movement and creativity for a healthy combination that really feeds our mind, body and spirit.

Jigsaw Performing Arts Classes Teach Children Transferable Skills For Life!

A big part of what we do at Jigsaw Performing Arts Schools is encourage our students to let go of inhibitions and just freely express themselves. It’s a wonderful way to get out of our thinking brains and just be. Besides the invitation to be yourself and find your Place to Belong at Jigsaw Arts, there is the opportunity to grow and develop skills that can be used in other areas of your present and future life. You don’t have to have aspirations to become a West End or film star to enjoy the transferable skills that performing arts classes bring!

Can drama classes teach children transferable skills for life?

In short, yes! Here are a few transferable skills that the drama classes at Jigsaw Arts provide, helping growing and developing children through life outside of the classroom.

  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership
  • Listening and responding
  • Critical thinking

One of our favourite transferable skills taught from the drama classes at Jigsaw Arts is having empathy. To make true connections, having empathy for others is a great place to start. Lots of children have been affected in different ways over the last few years during the pandemic and having a good level of empathy towards others is important now more than ever.

During a Jigsaw Arts drama class, we explore empathy by playing different characters. Through role play, hot seating, improvisation, and script work. Challenging our students to think and act differently. To take a walk in another person’s shoes and explore the emotions that they feel. These drama exercises are a great way of connecting with people and understanding them better, and they influence our children to have more empathy and compassion for others during real-life situations.

Jigsaw Performing Arts

Which transferable skills for life are taught in dance classes?

  • Focus
  • Listening
  • Motor ability
  • Spatial awareness
  • Coordination

Dancing, stretching and moving is incredibly beneficial for both the mind and the body. The discipline behind most of the transferable skills above is what can be used in many areas of life. Being able to focus, listen, and follow instructions are really important skills, regardless if your future endeavours revolve around the performing arts industry.

At Jigsaw Arts, we challenge our students to play the role of different characters while they perform their dance routines. Giving them the chance to develop valuable skills unique to the craft, as well as the transferable skills for life. Pride, joy, happiness and fun are promoted through every minute of a Jigsaw Arts class, and children leave feeling energised and enthusiastic, their mind flowing with creativity. As well as the value of joy, children are offered choice and given responsibility for their engagement.

Jigsaw Performing Arts

Are there transferable skills taught in singing classes?

  • Posture
  • Volume
  • Vocabulary expansion
  • Understanding patterns
  • Teamwork

Self esteem and confidence boosting, singing also exercises the lungs and strengthens your diaphragm and facial muscles. As well as the physical benefits of engaging in a singing class, the transferable skills that can be taken to use in other areas of life are fantastic. Although you may not want to be the next Beyonce, having control over your posture, volume, and use of vocabulary can be useful in situations such as public speaking or answering questions in a job interview. The teachings from performing arts classes go beyond the stage. Whether performing individually or in a group, we have found that singing encourages a sense of community and belonging.

Inspiring students to step out of their comfort zone, the singing classes at Jigsaw Arts encourage everyone to try their best. Every term, we introduce each class to new songs to learn, having our students try different genres and styles of singing. This allows our students to try new things and discover the sound that suits them. We love when true connections are formed while harmonising around a piano, it’s a brilliant way to let go of worries and find your voice!

Are there transferable skills taught in singing classes?

Jigsaw Performing Arts Schools are not not about building the next West End stars, but instead about giving children the space to explore who they are, making friends and building life-long transferable skills along the way. These lessons truly are invaluable. Our classes offer children an authentic experience where they can feel they have a place of worth and be proud of their creativity.

If you would like to gain transferable skills for life, why not try our fun and interactive weekend performing arts classes! Head to the Jigsaw Arts website here for more information. You may have just found your Place to Belong.

Category: Dance, Music

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