Days: Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Times: Monday, Thursday and Friday 15.40-18.10Saturday 13.00-18.00
Age Range: 0 - 5
Price: £22.00 per session
Imagine the joy of teaching your baby to swim…
Imagine the feeling of excitement when you see them swimming underwater towards you that first time, watching them learn as they grow and develop until they are confident holding onto the side at just 6 months old, watching their happy faces as they swim from their Water Babies teacher to you at just 10 months old, learning to blow bubbles and start their basic strokes at just 18 months old, watching as they grow stronger and swim further and achieve 1 or 2 metres at just 2 or 3 years old.
Imagine going on holiday and experiencing the sheer joy as your little one jumps into the pool diving down for pebbles or coins when they are just toddlers, and that feeling of comfort knowing that they are safer around water and you were the one who taught them.
This is what our Water Babies programme can do for your family.
Classes are 30 mins every week, payable by monthly subscription.