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Social Skills for Children -Superbunny and me

At a Glance

Days:  Saturdays

Times: Saturdays 

Age Range: 5 - 11

Price: £12.50 per session. (First session free)

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Activity Description

Superbunny and me classes give children a space to learn social skills through, play, games, and activities.  Through a variety of fun and age-appropriate activities we create opportunities for children to develop skills such as, managing their emotions, taking turns, sharing, playing with others, asking for help, and following directions increasing their confidence and self-awareness.  

The sessions are for children struggling with social interaction, for example: a child may find it difficult to fit in at school or other after-school activities, may not understand body language or facial expression- misunderstanding social cues, maybe impulsive, always talking, does not listen to others, has difficulties connecting with others and making friends, being bullied, and teased by peers, has social anxiety.

Our small group settings allow children to feel a sense of belonging, and less overwhelmed, making it easier for them to interact within the group and make friends.

There are 2 groups:  Class Visual and Class Engage all children must be able to speak, using 5 or more words in a sentence, for example:” if asked what did you do today”be able to answer the question and state one thing that happened during the day.

“Class Visual”is for the child that can speak but may face challenges when it comes to reading and writing.  They may take a bit longer to process information and their language abilities may appear less developed or immature compared to children the same age. 

 “Class Engage” is for conversationally verbal child they have no challenges with reading and writing and are academically in line with their peers.  Their struggles are with social interaction and communication, such as, understanding social cues, or engaging in reciprocal conversation.

Try out our taster sessions:)  if you think your child could do with a safe space where they can make friends and  develop those important social skills.  Get in touch today!  * Max 8 children per group so don’t wait.

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Parking Available
Trial Class
Social Skills
Life Skills
Communication and Language Skills
Hand-Eye Coordination
Fine and Gross Motor Skills
Mindfulness and Well-being
Activity Location
Address: 2 Ewell Road, Long Ditton, Surbiton, UK
City: Surbiton
Town: Long Ditton
Post Code: KT6 5LE

On the Map


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