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At a Glance

Days: August 24th, August 25th, August 31st, September 1st

Times: 12pm - 4pm

Age Range: 9 - 13

Price: £35.00 per session

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Activity Description

The holiday games club is for Girls from 9 years old is based in OLDP Women’s HUB in central Birmingham ( Free parking available).

Bring it on Brum, Birmingham Holiday Activity Programme is sponsoring a limited number of FREE places for Girls in Birmingham on free school meals.

The club will help to encourage Girls to enjoy Computer programming and technology ,healthy eating and exercise
The club is run by qualified and experienced teachers , trainers and Women in Tech.

Indicative day :
12 noon- Registration and Lunch
12.30 -Introductions and talk by Women in Tech
1pm – Computer Coding for games
2pm – Break and garden games
2.30pm- Back to Computer Gaming
3pm- Physical exercise/activity e.g Cycling or Tennis
4pm -End

OLDP is a registered Charity no 1185732.www.oldp.org.uk working in collaboration with Octavius learning and Development Partnership.

Registered with Apple PI codeclub.org and members of Google Women Tech makers

Safeguarding and Covid Safe policies

Find out more about ‘She’s got games’ @ www.shesgotgames.com and feel free to contact us with any questions!

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Parking Available
Refreshments Available
Life Skills
Mindfulness and Well-being
Activity Location
Address: OLDP Women’s HUB 2nd Floor Quayside Tower Broad Street
City: West Midlands
Town: Birmingham
Post Code: B1 2HF

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Photo of She's Got Games
She's Got Games
club type 24th August, 25th August, 31st August, 1st September
club type Age Range: 9 - 13
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