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7 Ways To Personalise Your Kid’s Clothes Basis

Published on 8th August 2016 by David Lim

Sometimes, it’s the little things that make all the difference. When you have kids, you certainly want to be able to tell a pair of jeans from another pair of jeans, but it can also be fun to give your child’s clothes some personality.   

Personalising your kid’s clothes is easier than you think. There are many ways to make your child’s clothing unique and more fun. In case you’re interested in professionals doing the personalisation, click here 

But if you’re looking to get your hands dirty and spend some time with your kids, the list below is for you. 

1. Sew on some patches 

Patches are a great way to add personality to your kid’s clothes and accessories. Patches can be sewn or ironed on and are available in all shapes, sizes, colours, and designs. The possibilities are endless.  

Add a patch to your child’s backpack for extra flair. There is no limit to the number of patches you can use on one bag—it doesn’t need to match anything else they’re wearing that day.   

Add a patch to their hat if they like wearing it outside in the sun (or indoors). You can buy baseball caps with built-in visors if they want more protection from UV rays while also showing off their style sense at the same time.  

Sew on an iron-on patch onto clothing pieces such as t-shirts or jeans. And just make sure whatever fabric type you choose will hold up under heavy wear over time; lighter-weight fabrics like cotton may shrink after washing, so keep this in mind when choosing what kind of fabric works best for each project type. 

2. Use Iron-On Decals 

You can use iron-on decals to make your child’s clothes more fun. You can find these online and at many craft stores; or print them out and cut them out yourself.  

Here are a few examples of iron-on decals that you can buy online: 

  • Animals 
  • Cars 
  • Letters 

3. Customize With Crafter’s Tape 

The best thing about crafter’s tape is that it comes in a variety of colours, widths, and patterns. You can let your kid choose the type of tape they want to use based on what surface you want to customize. It is the perfect chance to bring out their creative side 

For example, if they want to make an animal pattern with crayons or markers, use thick color-blocking tape because it will be easier to see your design through the plastic backing.   

If you want to write a message or create a logo, use thinner paper-backed tape. 

4. Paint The Clothes 

You can paint the clothes with fabric paint, which comes in colours.   

Another option is to use spray paint. Spray your kid’s clothes with black or white spray paint and use stencils to create designs on them.  

If you’re feeling extra artsy, you could mix some acrylic paints to create your custom color. 

  • Use a sponge or roller. Roll out some white acrylic paint onto an old piece of cardboard or foam board (make sure it is something that will not be mistaken for food later). 
  •  Dip that into smaller pieces of foam board until they’re about half full of white paint;  
  • Set them aside after this step so they can dry before being used as stampers on another sheet (you could also use something like corrugated plastic sheeting instead).  

Use sponge stamps: This method involves using carved wooden sponges dipped into acrylic paints with either stenciled designs or freehand painted designs stamped onto clothing using rubber bands as makeshift hangers while drying, take care not to overdo this step as there is potential risk involved with getting too much ink on one area at once which may cause discoloration over time if left untreated. 

5. Use Embroidery Floss To Add Personalization 

This is a great option for kids’ clothes because it’s durable and can be used on any fabric. The only downside is that you need to buy different colours of embroidery floss for each design, but once you’re stocked up on your supplies, it’s pretty easy to start creating.  

Embroidery floss comes in lots of different sizes and colours so even if your child doesn’t have an elaborate personalisation idea in mind, they can still get creative with their clothes. 

6. Use Buttons To Create Pictures 

You can make buttons with a button maker. And you can create a button for your child using their favorite animal or even their favorite food. The best part is that you can use this to add some personality and make them happy. 

7. Make Tie-Dye Shirts 

Tie-dyeing is a fun and unique way of personalisation. It’s a process your kid could join in on and become a bonding experience between the two of you. You can create a combination of colours according to your liking. Thus, to know the basics of tie-dying, you can watch tutorial videos on the internet to get started.    


Personalised clothing is a great way to make your kid stand out from the crowd. It’s also a good way to start a conversation with people who ask about clothes, which can be especially important if you have kids who are not yet verbal or don’t like talking about themselves. 

Category: Handmade

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