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Tips for Writing Children’s Books by EBook Writing Services UK

Published on 20th May 2024 by Tessa Robinson

Tips for Writing Kid-Friendly Books that Sparkle with Imagination and Wonder

Tips for Writing Children's Books by EBook Writing Services UK

So, you think you have what it takes to write a children’s book. If you imagine that writing for children is easy, it is, in fact, the complete opposite. Writing for a young audience can be a challenge. Not only do you have to make sure your story is interesting enough to keep these small humans entertained, but you also need to ensure your story can compete against more than 70,000 books on online book retail platforms like Amazon.

Writing a children’s book is an absolute challenge, but it is possible. You can rely on professional eBook writing services in the UK to assist in writing, but if you want to go solo, here are some tips that can reduce the hitches in your writing journey. Go through these tips to streamline your writing process and get your first children’s book on the platform.

Writing Tips You Should Not Forget When Working on a Children’s Friendly Book:


1.      Research Your Target Market:

Don’t try to be everything to everyone. Children’s tastes are specific, and the genre has countless niches. Whether it’s dinosaurs, princesses, or animals, identify your ideal reader and tailor your story to their interests.

2.      Select an Age Range Before Writing:

Not all children’s books are created equal. A toddler’s board book will vastly differ from a pre-teen’s chapter book. Knowing your age group helps you determine the appropriate complexity of your story, sentence structure, and vocabulary. So, know your audience before you start writing.

3.      Keep Your Writing Simple and Easy:

Children are still developing their reading skills. Use clear, concise language with shorter sentences. Avoid complex vocabulary words that might leave your young audience confused. In addition, remember that you are writing for children, so if you are working on the story, keep it simple and short.

4.      Make Sure Adults Can Read It Easily Too:

Remember, adults are often the ones buying and reading these books aloud. While the language should be appropriate for children, it shouldn’t be dull or uninteresting for adults. Aim for a balance that keeps everyone engaged. Consult with Ebook Writing Services UK if you face any trouble writing.

5.      Read It Aloud:

This is a golden rule! Hearing your story aloud exposes awkward phrasing, clunky sentences, and pacing issues. It also helps you identify areas that might be difficult for young readers to pronounce or understand.

6.      Make Sure Your Book is Short:

Young children often are not the most focused readers. Aim for a length that can be comfortably read in one sitting, typically between 2-5 minutes. This keeps your young audience engaged and avoids bedtime battles!

7.      Before Finalizing, Test Out Your Reading to a Children’s Group:

There’s no better way to gauge your story’s effectiveness than with real children! Gather a group of kids in your target age range and read your book aloud. Observe their reactions, see if they’re engaged, and ask for their feedback. Their honest opinions can be invaluable in identifying areas for improvement.

8.      Start Quickly and End Quickly:

Hook your young readers from the very beginning! Skip lengthy introductions and jump right into the heart of the story. Similarly, wrap things up neatly at the end. Avoid drawn-out conclusions that might leave children restless.

9.      Repetition is Good for Children’s Books:

Repetition helps young readers grasp new concepts and builds a sense of rhythm and familiarity. Consider using repeated phrases, rhymes, or choruses throughout your story. This makes it easier for children to remember the story and even participate in the reading experience. If you are not good at making stuff rhyme, partnering up with eBook writing services in the UK might be the right approach.

10.  Think About Your Illustrator:

While crafting your story, consider how illustrations can enhance your words. Describe your characters and settings vividly, but leave enough room for the illustrator so they can use their imagination and creativity to create the scenes and characters.

11.  Consult with a Professional Editor:

An expert editor can help you polish your writing, identify areas for improvement, and ensure your manuscript is clear, concise, and error-free. Consider editors who specialize in children’s literature, as they’ll have a keen understanding of the genre and your target audience.

12.  Look for a Children’s Book Publisher (Optional):

While traditional publishing is an option, partnering with a self-publisher can offer significant advantages. Self-publishers can handle the editing, design, illustration, marketing, and distribution of your book, allowing you to focus on creating more stories. Do your research, choose a self-publisher with a good track record in children’s literature, and make sure they align with your creative vision. Some eBook writing services in the UK offer self-publishing services as well; be sure to consult with them if you need someone to assist you in publishing your book.

4 Mistakes to Avoid While Writing Children’s Books:


Apart from the writing do’s, there are some don’ts that you should not forget while writing. Let’s take a look at some mistakes you should avoid making:

1.      Ramble in Your Book:

Children crave stories with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Avoid meandering plots or introducing unnecessary characters or subplots. Keep your story focused and engaging, with a clear path for the reader to follow.

2.      Using a Negative Theme:

Childhood should be a time of wonder and optimism. While it’s okay to explore challenges or emotions, avoid themes that are overly dark, scary, or discouraging. Focus on positive messages like friendship, kindness, and overcoming obstacles.

3.      Writing for the Sake of Writing:

Don’t write simply because you think it’s a trendy market. Pour your passion into the story, create characters you care about, and write a book that you would genuinely love to read to a child.

4.      Using Tons of Text:

Strike a balance between captivating text and stunning illustrations. Avoid overwhelming young readers with walls of text. Keep your sentences short and clear, and let the pictures share part of the storytelling.

Final Note: Tips for Writing Children’s Books by EBook Writing Services UK

In conclusion, writing for children is a bit complex, but with these helpful tips, you can become a better children’s book author. Remember, the most important ingredient is your own unique voice and a story that stems from passion. If you need a helping hand, consider seeking guidance from professional eBook writing services to understand what works for young audiences.

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