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Reasons to Have a Photo Book

Published on 1st August 2024 by Tessa Robinson

In the digital world, we have become so accustomed to accessing virtually everything through a few taps and swipes on our smartphones. Whether it be banking information, the weather, or scrolling through pictures and videos, everything is at our fingertips.

That said, there is just something about holding a picture in your hands that makes memories come to life. If you have all of your photos stored digitally, it may be time to think about a photo book or two.

Reasons to Have a Photo Book

Keep Important Images Protected

While there is something to be said about the convenience of having all of your photos stored digitally, there is one major caveat. Should something happen to your phone or your computer become corrupted, there is a chance that your photos and videos could be lost for good.

Even storing on the cloud is not foolproof. A major event could result in damaged or even lost servers. If you keep your important photos stored in a cloud folder, access to that folder can become compromised for any number of reasons. That’s why having a photo book is important. Those important images can be protected against any technological mishap that may occur.

Keeping Physical Family Reminders

In the digital age, we can conveniently call up photos of important events or vacations at a moment’s notice. While there is something simple about that, how often do we look at them? How many pictures are lost because we forget to backup images before moving them from one device to another?

Having a photo book on hand provides a certain power that digital photographs simply can’t match. There is nothing quite like sitting down with friends and family, flipping through the pages, and reliving the memories captured on film. Feeling the weight of the book in hand only helps to bring those memories to life.

A Trip Through Time

Perhaps the most important reason to keep a photo book, especially for parents, is to be able to relive moments that may have otherwise been forgotten. Sure, the memories of something like a graduation will live in your head, but what about the small moments that we manage to capture?

For parents, seeing kids as they grow is special. The little moments where a child learns a skill, has a sleepover, or any kind of random act can warm the heart like no other. Having a photo book allows us to capture all of those little moments and relive them again and again. When shared together with the loved ones seen in the pictures, it creates a whole new level of connection.

Build an Emotional Connection

There are plenty of reasons to take pictures of events throughout our lives. For parents and family members, those photographs are able to create an emotional connection like no other. These are more than just pictures, these are living memories. The emotion behind them is the most important part of it all.

Many can think back to their own parents and the physical photo books that they kept. By having one for your own family and children, it is possible to recreate that feeling. The emotional connection of sitting down to look at a family photo book is one that can’t be matched when you are swiping through photos on a digital device.

Category: Parents

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