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Mum’s Time While the Kids Are at Kids’ Club

Published on 31st March 2024 by Tessa Robinson

Many mum’s breathe a sigh of relief when their kids are having fun at a kid’s club, especially if this is a club that their child loves and has a lot of friends at. However, it can be difficult to use your free time wisely, especially if you are not used to having adult time on your hands. Then, here is a guide “Mum’s Time While the Kids Are at Kids’ Club” that can allow you to make the most of the time that you have to yourself while your kids are learning new skills and enjoying themselves.

Mum’s Time While the Kids Are at Kids’ Club

Mums time while the kids are at kids club


This might be your only time to relax in your entire week, so rather than completely filling the hours up with chores, you should instead take some time to yourself to enjoy the activities that you love. For instance, you might watch an adult television programme or read a book that you have been desperate to curl up with. This can allow you to feel like yourself and maintain your own personality that is separate from your role as a mum. You might also take the time to indulge in a pampering session, such as taking a prolonged bath with fancy products or doing your hair or nails.

Raise Money for Charity

Another option is to use your time to raise money for charity. This might be important for those who want to help others and support a charity that is close to their heart. You could do this by training for an event for which you can obtain sponsors. For instance, you might look at the many Macmillan bike events that are being hosted across the country this year and beyond. By committing to one of these events, you will have a goal to work towards, and this will encourage you to exercise while doing your bit for others.

Get a Hobby

You might also decide you want to use your solo time to get a hobby or join a club where you can meet new people and friends who are not connected to your children’s lives. For instance, you might look into theatre troupes in your area or decide that you want to attend an art class or a sporting activity. This can help you to socialise and connect with others more, as well as provide you with a creative outlet where you can hone your talents.

About the Author: Georgina Monk

Since leaving university with an English and Creative Writing degree, Georgina has worked as a freelance copywriter, writing articles on everything from business technology to charitable giving. As well as running her own blog and performing in and writing plays, some of which have been staged in local theatres, she also volunteers at historical houses and enjoys watersports and getting out into nature.

Category: Parents

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