Drama Kids Clubs, classes and activities. Club Hub UK has the largest selection of kids clubs, classes and activities in the Drama area. If you see a kids club, class or activity in Drama that is missing from our list, tell the owner to add their listing.
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Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays Tuesdays @ South Mill Arts , CM233JG Tots Toes: 09h25-10h00 Toddle Toes: 10h15-10h50 ; Thursdays at Grange Paddock Leisure Centre, CM232HH, Tots Toes: 09h25-10h00: Teeny Toes 10h10-10h50 Toddles Toes: 11h00 - 11h35 : Saturdays at Bishop's Park Community Centre: Mixed Teeny's & Toddles :09h25-10h00: Tots Toes: 10h15-10h50