How to help your child sleep when it’s hot ? It’s been a beautiful few days in the UK. Many children absolutely love the sunshine and relish in it. They love to play in the garden, having water fights or in the paddling pool, the beach, the pool, at the park, outside at school or wherever they may have been having fun over the past few days. For many of us basking in the sunshine is a glorious thing to do… However, when night-time comes after a blissful day your troubles may start. You may start wondering how to help your child sleep when it’s hot.
So how exactly can you help your child sleep when it’s too hot? Well by following these few simple tips you should find your little one feels much more comfortable and Hopefully you are all able to get a good night’s kip!
Ideally, a room should be kept at between 16 – 20 degrees Celsius, but without an Aircon unit that can be difficult, if not impossible. However, keeping windows shut during the midday sun will help achieve this. In order to help your child sleep when it’s too hot to stop, you must ensure hot outside air does not come into the house. If there is a cool breeze at all during the day feel free to open windows and get some air circulating. Additionally keep curtains shut, especially if the room is sun facing.
Rather than giving your kids a warm bath try giving them a cooler bath before bed. This can reduce their body temperature. You could add a few drops of lavender to help your child sleep and relax too. You can also check out our “Best Bath Time Activities for Kids” blog article.
This may be a bit more obvious, but still sometimes overlooked. Wear less clothes at night. If you can get your little one to sleep in very light PJ’s, a nightie or nothing if they feel comfy to do so. A baby can sleep in just a nappy alone (be sure to keep an eye on the baby so it doesn’t get too cold though when temperatures drop at night).
Again, another more obvious tip but so essential in hot weather and so effective. Keep your child hydrated. During hot weather it is so easy to get dehydrated. Let your child have a nice cold bottle of water with ice in or frozen to drink to take up to bed with them. This cool then down and also keep them hydrated. (Breastfed babies under the age of 1 do not require extra water as their mother’s milk will be sufficient.)
Finally a great practical way to help keep your child sleep when it’s hot is to remove extra bedding, blankets and even waterproof sheets that can insulate heat. Simply use a cotton sheet for the bottom and on top if your child insists on a cover use their duvet covers without the duvet inside.