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TinyTalk Toddler Talking Sessions (Bournville Social Club)

At a Glance

Days: Fridays

Times: 11.30am

Age Range: 1.8 - 4

Price: £7.50 per session and £45 per half term

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Activity Description

Fun BSL based toddler sessions aimed at teaching fun everyday BSL signs but more importantly promoting speaking.
A great social, play and fun experience with singing, signing, props, activities and much more.
Class followed by social and play time with refreshments.

Cost is £7 per class, payable full or half termly in advance. You can join from any point in term.

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Trial Class
Public Transport
Buggy Park
Refreshments Available
Social Skills
Life Skills
Communication and Language Skills
Hand-Eye Coordination
Fine and Gross Motor Skills
Activity Location
Address: Bourville Social Club, Maryvale Road, Bournville
City: West midlands
Town: Birmingham
Post Code: B30 2DN

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