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Coding for Preschoolers

At a Glance

Days: Thursday

Times: 1pm

Age Range: 3 - 5

Price: £45 per course

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Activity Description

A 6-week course of weekly 45 minute sessions for preschoolers aged 3+

The course will have no more than 8 children in.

You and your child will have your own Bee Bot to use for the full 45 minute session. The bee bot will operate on a special mat on the floor, which is also for the sole use of you and your child. Through the course coding cards will be introduced to allow your child to “write” code. Again, you and your child will have your own set to use each session.

Each session will have a theme, maybe a nursery rhyme or a story. Activities and challenges will be through play based on our theme. For example, in one session the bee bot is dressed as the crocodile from the song “5 cheeky monkeys sitting in a tree”. The children need to work out how to get the crocodile to “snap” the monkeys by coding them to move to the monkeys.

There will also be other resources used to broaden the play and help the children to engage. In an early session children will be invited to build their bee bot a home out of duplo or wooden blocks. This will help with the feeling of ownership when we come to program the bee bots to go home.

As with all Dinky’s sessions this coding course will be child-centred, meaning that if the child chooses to explore their bee bot in a different, yet safe way, that is fine.

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Baby Change Facilities
Public Transport
Disabled Access
Accessible for Buggies
Refreshments Available
Life Skills
Communication and Language Skills
Activity Location
Address: Crosspool, Sheffield, UK
City: South Yorkshire
Town: Sheffield
Post Code: s10 5pl

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