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Birthday Parties in London

At a Glance

Days: Any - Please Get in Touch

Times: Any - Please Get in Touch

Age Range: 0.6 - 6

Price: £150+ per party

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Activity Description

Blueberry Children’s music parties are unforgettable and wonderfully fun live music parties for 1 to 5-year-olds in London!  If your child loves music, we guarantee a Blueberry children’s birthday party is the perfect environment to keep everyone entertained, enthralled and happy. All you have to do is have is a venue and show up!

One of our talented team of the best children’s party entertainers will play live guitar and sing songs with actions, joining in, jumping, rhythm games, circle games, dancing with bubbles and a special appearance by one of our gang of puppets! We also bring along a colourful parachute if space permits and a bag of shaky egg maracas.  An interactive music concert for family and friends to enjoy with memories that will last a lifetime!

Blueberry children’s party entertainment lasts for 45 minutes and includes stickers for the children, Blueberry balloons, certificates and a special birthday present for the Birthday Boy or Girl.
Our parties cost £150 and include a puppet gift for the special boy and certificates of musical excellence for your little guests. A party pack will also be delivered to you in advance of your special day filled with badges for your party bags along with balloons to decorate your venue or home.

We also offer an extended package of 1.5 hours which includes glitter tattoos during food time and games with prizes for all your guests for £250.

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All Year Round
Social Skills
Life Skills
Hand-Eye Coordination
Fine and Gross Motor Skills
Mindfulness and Well-being
Activity Location
Address: London, UK
City: London
Town: London

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