Days: Term time
Times: 15:45 - 19:30 See our website for the different performing arts classes that we provide.
Age Range: 4 - 18
Price: £24 Per session (fee's are payed termly.)For specific pricing for our classes, please see our website.
At LyriK Theatre Arts, we have a theatre class for everyone!
Our aim is to create an inclusive theatre school offering a safe space to build confidence, have fun, develop skills in singing, drama and dance, and also improve on communication and social skills.
LyriK offers engaging and exciting classes taught by highly skilled professionals within the performing arts industry and provides many workshops including West End musicals, film and TV and pop singing.
We offer in-person weekly term time classes for children aged 4 – 18 every Wednesday evening from 15:45 – 19:30 (Please refer to our website to see the different classes that we offer.)
Our performing arts school provides classes in:
-Dance; learning technique, musical theatre and commercial.
-Singing; learning technique, musical theatre and pop.
-Drama; learning technique, games, script work, improvisation, and devising their own pieces.
We offer extensive specialised classes for children with additional educational needs, providing a safe space for them to enjoy and develop their skills in dance, singing and drama, taught by performing arts teachers with experience in working with children with SEND.