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Tips for Parents to Help Your Child Develop Effective Study Skills

Published on 30th March 2019 by Tessa Robinson

This article will give you tips on how to help your child develop effective study skills. Preparing your children to become independent learners is essential for success and cognitive development. states that excellent studying skills improve understanding and make learning enjoyable. As students grow, their homework becomes less task-based and more independent study. Good learning practices are not about the duration taken when reading. It is more about the approach you take. Here are a few guidelines to help you help your Child Develop Effective Study Skills

Create a designated study space for your students

In order to help your child develop effective study skills firstly think about their environment. Study Space improves organisation skills and increases focus. As a result, a child becomes a more productive learner. When setting up the learning area, ensure it has all the essentials for learning. Remember, your childs studying space must reflect their age. That is, consider the size of equipment, colors, and decoration. Some vital elements include:

  • Desk or table
  • Office chair- comfortable with good sitting posture
  • Wall shelves/a bookcase/desk drawers
  • Lighting- adequate, overhead, desk or floor lamp
  • Power outlet
  • Pens, pencils, and erasers.

Tell your child to return everything to the learning area if they work from somewhere else. Teaching them to organise saves both of you time from searching for lost items. Also, train them to set reminders around the area of upcoming homework. Calendars around the area are useful for such a purpose. In case they miss the deadline to begin their papers, they can find already written essays online.

Study Skills

Keep a planner

Helping your teenager maintain a record of their schedule helps with time management. Tell them to write down the deadlines for each assignment. Mark them on your phone’s calendar to remind them. Various articles on study tips for school emphasise on limiting screen time. Watching too much television hinders task completion. GreatSchools details various methods for schedule management. Examples include:

  • To-do lists
  • Desk calendar
  • Homework book
  • iPad

Setting priorities is one of the effective study skills for all ages.  Begin by identifying their wants and needs. Then, help them explore consequences. For example, too much time playing video games can interfere with homework. As the child grows, aid them to visualise the big picture. That is, what long-term situations are ahead. An excellent way to achieve this is through goal-setting. Let them arrange their goals by significance. As a parent, your role is to guide them to achieve the set objectives.

Take effective notes

Note-taking improves the learner’s understanding of the learning material. Also, they are vital when revising for a test or an examination. The strategy one uses differs depending on age and learning styles. Some children studying find highlighting key points practical. Then again, teenagers value writing on the margins of the pages. Educators recommend getting kids in the habit of compiling their notes. highlights various strategies parents can achieve this goal.

  • Direct the youngster to put information from like sources together.
  • Let them write down an outline of the main points. Then, guide them in filling the details under the key themes.
  • Instruct them to use two columns, one for questions and the other for answers.
  • Visual maps- teach the child to write the information as an illustration of how ideas relate.

Taking notes is among the top study skills activities. So, allow your child to compare notes with other children. Let their group come over at the house and make a comparison of their notes. This approach allows them to condense and organise the notes further. Discussion with peers improves note-taking skills. The group can read together and make one study sheet. Monitor their activities to ensure there are no distractions.

Practice for tests

Help your young ones have the right attitude and preparation for tests. Begin by helping them anticipate the questions in the test. Guide them in gathering information about the quiz. This way, you help them determine their learning content, duration, and more. Though the teacher can give advance information and guidelines, one can still panic. If the test is a take-home assignment, do not fret. Find assignment help from WriteMyEssayForMe writing service with expert writers and tutors. Whether it’s an essay, multiple-choice, or fill-in-the-blanks, these professionals are helpful.

Encourage your child to always do their revision early. This approach guarantees that they don’t feel the burden of covering every topic at once. If they begin early, they can break the one session into many. An alternative is to take breaks during a long session. Evidence suggests that the human mind cannot absorb much information at a sitting. Hence, breaks refresh an individual’s mind. Instructors who give tips for parents encourage reminding a student to cover a topic a day.

Avoid cramming

Fast memorisation of course materials is not a healthy way to learn. Instead, it causes stress and sometimes panics ahead of an examination. Experts note that effective study tips are the only way of correcting cramming. According to MetroKids, this behavior threatens academic performance and student success. Also, what they memorize fails to work for long-term memory. Meaning, even if a child has passed the test, they haven’t learned.

Teach your child to ask for help

Clarify to your child that asking for help does not equate to stupidity. Learners have different abilities and needs. Consequently, they can struggle with some subjects. If another member of the family is an expert in that area, tell them to ask for help. Some courses can be challenging for everyone in the family. Finding outside help is also acceptable. Online services like are reputable for offering academic help. Whether your child is in high school or college, these professionals are worth the effort.

Avoid distraction

When setting up the learning area, ensure it is away from the entertainment room. Also, remove PlayStation games and television from the learning area. For a teenager, a mobile phone can cause a disturbance. Instruct them to put them on silent or switch them off when revising. Younger siblings can also interfere with another child studying for a test. Set a specific time where all children study at the same time. If you have a toddler, stay with them in a separate room.

This guideline can be unsuccessful if you do not collaborate with your child’s educator. Instructors are an excellent resource of how much schoolwork a student should take outside the classroom. They understand their learner’s needs, styles, and levels of readiness. The child also knows the best time for learning. Put their input under consideration. Then again, there are also some aspects that parents understand better than teachers. Working together for the benefit of the student is essential for student success.

Category: Learning

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