Would you like one of our Club Hub Brand Reps to review your kids activity or product? Contact sam.haslam@club-hub-app.co.uk for more details. Below is our current list of amazing Club Hub Brand Reps. Please give them a follow on Instagram.
Hi, I’m Jemma first time mum to Abel who is 4!
We adore spending time as a family with daddy but also love doing activities with our best friends.
Abels adventures we like to call them. It’s all about making memories and spending quality time together.
Abel loves to try new things and explore new places. Whether indoor or outdoor he’s always involved.
Please Follow @Abel_and_ace
Hi, I’m Bex, mummy to 3 boys, Max 11, Harrison 8 & Roux who’s just turned 4. We live down on the South coast in sunny sunny Bournemouth so we love filling our days with adventures on the many beautiful beaches we’re so lucky to live close to, or finding ponies in the New Forest.
We are very lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the country, especially with 3 boys to keep busy and worn out!! We love finding new things to do and sharing our finds with other families.
Please Follow @Bex_and_the_boys
Hi, I’m Danni! Proud mum of Maddie (6) and Teddy (3).
We love nothing more than exploring the world together as well as local areas in and around Essex. Having fun is our main aim in life and we really enjoy exploring beautiful, adventurous places together as a family! Being part of the club hub team has been so great and we have discovered so many amazing local family days out through it!
Please Follow @Danni.ever.after
Hi my name is Laura. I am a busy working mum who lives with her husband and two young children in Norfolk, UK. Passions in life our my family, outdoor adventures, days out, exploring the beauty of our world as a family and learning through play.
I love the detail in life and love capturing and sharing it through my photography. We discovered that our daughter has a rare chromosome disorder which has changed our outlook on life completely. She also has special educational needs linked with other most recent diagnoses. We don’t shy away from things that perhaps cause us worries more that we try and find ways around it – as we feel everyone should be given an equal chance in life to explore and enjoy our world.
We are doing all we can to support our children on their journey through their young lives, overcoming the barriers to development and learning together as a family. Giving them the best possible chance to live an independent life as they grow older.
Please Follow @dinky_in_norfolk
My name is Sam, mum to two girls Ellie and Jessica.
We love days out and going on new adventures.
Ellie loves dancing, singing, acting, swimming and reading and Jessica loves dancing, sports, drawing and games.
We love being a Club hub rep and finding new activities on the Club hub app.
Please Follow @ellie_jessica_h
I’m Emma, I’m mom to Ronnie aged 5 and Edie aged 3 and we live in Birmingham.
As well as working as a freelance event manager for Club Hub UK, we are also proud Club Hub brand reps and love sharing the places we visit and the activities and products we try.
Please Follow @emmahewitt_2014
I am Emmalee, I’m 29 and a Wedding and corporate Event Manager from Manchester!
Yes, everything is themed in our house and that will never change. I am also a sign writer.
I have 2 children Hadlee (10) and Harlow (6). They are both quite different in the sense that Hadlee is super adventurous, a bit of a thrill seeker and loves gaming! Where as Harlow is really creative, loves colouring, making up dances/songs, obsessed with animals and loves a good den making session.
One thing we all love as a family is having things booked in the diary to look forward to and trying new things. Different activities, trips, staycations, even going out for a quick milkshake! We are proper foodies too!
I started sharing more on Instagram as I was enjoying documenting things and people were telling me they got a lot of inspiration/tips from my platform. Whether it was parties I’d planned, kids eat free places I recommended, days out good for children in particular that like different things or have a bit of an age gap. I love knowing that by sharing our experiences it can help others massively!
Im constantly on the go and my mind never stops, I’m always looking at things to do, new things for my next themed activity or places to visit however if I do sit down with a glass of red or cuppa you’ll find me watching coronation street my guilty pleasure!
I’ve loved every second of being a brand rep for @ClubHubUK. It has given us some amazing opportunities and let us experience some amazing places (some I wouldn’t have necessarily found without them). We are super grateful!
Having access to Club Hub makes finding activities to suit your children in one place sooooo easy! Get their app downloaded! It’s a must!
Please Follow @Emmalee_i
Hello I’m Maria, I was born and bred in the lovely Spa town of Cheltenham, on the edge of the Cotswolds where we are still living now. I am wife to Stephen and Mummy to Jaxon who is coming up 9 and Zoey who is very nearly 4. We all love being Club Hub UK brand reps!
We absolutely love getting out and about in Gloucestershire and beyond discovering new places, and revisiting our favourite hidden gems too of course. Both children enjoy attending clubs and trying out new sports and activities, and sometimes we find time to stay home and get creative with crafting or baking!
I am looking forward to sharing more of our adventures and memory making with you all via my own Instagram grid and the wonderful Club Hub UK’s platforms.
Please follow @girlaboutgloucestershire
I’m Laura, a mum of three girls 2, 5 and 9 years old. We live in Horsham, moved here in 2021 from London. I started blogging and sharing days out in and around Horsham, while on maternity leave with my youngest in 2022.
We love going to new places, travelling abroad and being outdoors. Being a ClubHub Rep has allowed us to discover so many different places and experiences. Our personal favourite is Leeds Castle. There’s so much to do there.
I’m also profoundly deaf, I lip read. I don’t sign. My daughters have grown up to be deaf aware, I’m often sharing my experiences on Instagram, as a deaf mum. I’m passionate about ensuring attractions and experiences are as accessible as possible, especially for deaf people.
Please Follow @Horsham_families
Lundunmum in run by Beth Carroll who fills her feed with fun filled activities for kids. She focuses on reviewing days out with her eight year old Lucy and her eleven year old Isabel.
Beth and the girls love anything new and different and their reviews and experiences they share sit in five categories:
Please Follow@Lundunmum to keep your calendar filled with fresh ideas.
I’m Harriet, Mummy to four year old Beatrice. We live in Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands and love getting out and about. I’ve been a primary school teacher locally since 2004 but since having Bea I now work part time which means I have more time to find exciting places to visit with her.
I first set up my Instagram page @midlandsavdentures several years ago to help me track my weight loss, by posting photos of my meals, but now it has evolved into a page dedicated to both healthy eating and general life with a child.
Bea was born just before the first lockdown in March 2021 so we were not able to get out for much of her first year of life. I think this is why I like getting out so much now. We love finding great soft plays, farms, parks, zoos, playgrounds etc. We also enjoyed going to different baby classes before I returned to school after maternity leave.
I really enjoyed being a Clubhub rep as it’s meant we have been able to visit new places that I perhaps might not have thought of going to. I hope you enjoy visiting some of the great places we’ve found as much as we have!
Please Follow @midlandsadventures
Hello, I’m Sophie, Mum to 6 year old Oscar who loves to read comics, has a huge Superthings collection and loves anything with wheels!
We live in Leighton Buzzard, Beds with my wonderful Husband and Norfolk Terrier, Reggie and we love exploring the outdoors!
I created Mighty Mum Club after leaving my job as a PA at Sky to become a stay at home Mum and started posting our daily adventures to inspire others.
Since then, we have visited so many places and more recently, we have been lucky enough to be part of the Club Hub Brand Rep Team! It is great to have a network of other Mums to chat to daily and the Club Hub team work so hard to provide us with details for the coolest classes in town! If you haven’t got the app already, you don’t know what you’re missing!
You will usually find us exploring the outdoors, but we love animals too, so zoos and farms are our top days out of choice!
Mighty Mum Club isn’t just a place for inspiration on where to go with your little ones, or how to entertain them at home, it’s also a place for Mum’s to come together, have a giggle and just be able to unload the struggles of each day. Parenting is hard and having other Mum’s to chat too really does make a difference! A community of every type of Mum. We’re not all the same, but we are all mighty. So what are you waiting for, come and join the club, everyone is welcome!
Please Follow @mightymumclub
Hi I’m Jenny and I am mum to one little man, Jacob who is 9.
I run our @mummyandsonwholovetoexplore account. I originally set my account up to document our adventures. So Jacob had something to look back on and it’s grew from there.
We live in Liverpool, we always love to explore our city and try out the amazing activities in our city. We also love to travel lots as well whether that be in the uk or abroad.
We absolutely love being club hub reps as this was something which was missing when I had Jacob. I spent hours researching local clubs, classes etc. clubhub has everything which is needed from baby classes to activities for toddlers and children and lots more. In just one search.
Please Follow @Mummyandsonwholovetoexplore
Hiya I’m Rebecca, I’ve been a Club Hub Brand Rep since June 2020. I’m also a freelance Administrator for Club Hub UK.
I live in Bournville, South Birmingham with my husband and 3 children. We love adventures, exploring new places and being outdoors especially by the sea! At home, we love family movie nights, baking and gardening. We like to support local independent businesses where possible and are trying to be much more environmentally conscious. We’re members of a local church where we’re involved in lots of the activities and I lead the weekly stay and play group for preschoolers. I’m also part of the PTA at my children’s school helping to organise and run events to raise funds!
Please Follow @mummy_in_the_midlands
Hello I’m Sarah a mum of two Ella (7) and Noah who is (3) we love going on adventures and sharing what amazing activities and classes you can find on @clubhub
My son Noah is awaiting an autism assessment so we like to share our journey with other people and connect with people on the same journey as us
We have been apart of clubhub now for a year now.
Please Follow @mummy_moments24
Hello everyone, my name is Tameisha and I am mum to Zion or as he likes to be referred to ‘Zi’. Zi is four years old going on 45, so check out and explore our socials; as he can be such a little character who will fill your days with lots of laughter. We are located in London, however love to venture out when we can and the adventure calls for it.
We enjoy educational days out, fun family activities, theatre trips, arts and crafts. Zion absolutely adores reading and maths and I, Tameisha is a big foodie!
We’ve been a Club Hub member for just over a year now and we couldn’t be more delighted to work with such a brilliant yet caring children’s directory.
Please Follow @Nikebaby_zion
Hi! I’m Samantha and I run the Instagram page @northeastfamilydaysout. I live in Newcastle upon Tyne with my husband and two children aged 7 and 3 years old. I am originally from Hampshire but moved to the North East back in 2011 and have loved exploring this part of the country! The account aims to share the very best family days out across the North East of England and beyond. My posts focus on the very best of days out across North East England and beyond. Our aim is to spread the word about local hidden gems, favourite playgrounds, theme parks, farms, zoos, woodlands, museums and beaches.
@northeastfamilydaysout is now over three years old. The account was made during lockdown whilst on maternity leave with my second born. I felt so disappointed to not be able to meet with other mums during my maternity leave the way I had first time around so I decided to connect with other parents virtually whilst sharing my passion of days out. I love the Instagram parent community and hope it is something which continues to grow.
We have had the honour of being been Club Hub reps since June 2021 and love all the opportunities it brings. Check out my highlights sections on the collaborations we have been fortunate enough to review for Club Hub this year.Apart from blogging, I am also a primary school teacher and subject coordinator in Art and DT. In my spare time I love to visit new places, read and do anything arty! As a family we love to travel and have some exciting adventures planned over the next few months.
Please Follow @northeastfamilydaysout
I’m Tash, 28 and Mum to Penelope who js 2 years old. We live in Hull, Yorkshire. We have so much fun exploring and sharing our experiences of what’s on offer around Yorkshire and often venture further too.
As a qualified photographer and nursery practitioner, we love getting creative and all things crafty.
Some of our favourite things to do are visit the seaside, soft plays, role play centres and family fun days out, such as farms, sealife centres and other unique experiences.
We love being brand reps for Club Hub and use the app regularly to find wonderful clubs, activities and days out!
Please Follow @Perfectly_peneloperae
Hi, I’m Karianna mama to 4, my page features my last two boys & I our days out and adventures we go on. Kal-El – 7 is the sweetest lil dude he’s always up for an adventure & loves arts/crafts, karate, gymnastics & swimming.
Mon-El 5 is my energetic lil cool dude who is always up for fun, he loves rough & ready activities such as parkour, martial arts & car racing at the arcade, my boys keep me active for sure but I wouldn’t have it any other way! we absolutely love being @clubhubuk brand reps.
Please Follow @realcoolmama
Hi, I’m Steph, mummy to 2 beautiful little boys who are 6 and 3. I started my page as a little diary of the amazing places I take my boys to and it quickly became my favourite hobby to share it with others.
I’m a born and bred Stoke on Trent girl (aka a Stokie) and I absolutely love exploring my beautiful city along with the outskirts of Staffordshire, Cheshire and sometimes a little further afield. It’s an area jam packed full of incredible local businesses and places to take children to and I’m so honoured that I get to shout about these places.
When I’m not busy being mum, I’m busy working as a chartered accountant, so I try to make my free time with my boys special as it’s often limited. My other hobbies include learning Spanish, doing yoga and drinking Prosecco.
I absolutely love being part of the club hub family and I’m looking forward to sharing more of our days out.
Please Follow @Stokie_mama
I’m Gemma, mum of 2 girls, Poppy, 8 and Olivia, 4. We live in Nottinghamshire.
When I had Poppy I really enjoyed going to baby groups, meeting new people (some were still in touch with now), bonding with Poppy and watching her development.
We went to sensory, arts, swimming and dance classes to name a few and then I did them all over again with Olivia.
Now the girls are a bit older and both at school we love family days out and exploring new places to visit.
We’ve been Club Hub brand reps since 2020 and have found so many great kid’s activity providers and attractions through them.
One of our favourite Club Hub visits was to Diggerland – we all had such an amazing day!
The app is great and I’d highly recommend downloading it to see what you can discover near you!
Please Follow @the.morris.girls
We’re the Follin Tribe!
We’re a fun loving family of 6 from the North West. Mum, Dad, Jack, Harry, Courtney and Darcy.
It’s important to us that the children have lots of happy memories from their childhood and spending time together doing lots of fun activities is the best way for us to do that.
So we try to go on as many days out, as we can and fill them with adventure and laughter. We love nothing more than sharing our experiences with other families, helping them have fun.
Our children also love to unbox toys. We often put together fun videos posting all about super cool toys and activities to keep children entertained
Any little tips or hacks that we pick up on our life journey, we pass on too.
Please Follow @the_follin_tribe
I am Sophie from South Wales. Mum of two boys, Jacob 9 and Harry 5. Both boys have such different personalities but share a love of messing about and a huge love for each other!
I work part time as a Forensic Laboratory Officer so have the best of both worlds. I enjoy my job and get to spend time with the boys.
On the weekend we always try and plan things to do as a family as myself and my husband are off. Being totally honest it is so much easier taking them out and keeping busy rather than stuck in the house.
Since being a brand rep for Clubhub UK we have had the opportunity to enjoy wonderful days out and activities to keep the boys occupied at home. We have visited Sealife, Lego Discovery centre and Airhop and the boys had a fabulous time. They have been so lucky to enjoy various bake at home boxes and craft activities.
We love following other families journeys on Instagram and getting ideas for days out.
I like to be honest on my page and share the highs and lows of parenting and life in general. I have met some wonderful people.
Please Follow @welshmumofboys