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Running Clubs for Kids Near Me – Club Hub UK

Published on 21st April 2024 by Tessa Robinson

In this blog we will talk about the benefits of running clubs for kids. We will also try and help you find a running club close to you on our directory. All physical activity is very beneficial for children. Running can significantly improve kids’ physical and mental well-being. Running can help children stay fit and healthy, it can also teach kids valuable life lessons and great transferable skills.

You can also user our search engine above to find running clubs and activities in your local community.

Benefits of Running clubs for kids include:

Benefits of Running clubs for kids include:

  • Improve self-confidence and discipline
  • Help children get better sleep
  • Improve physical fitness
  • Help kids have stronger muscles and bones
  • Face less risk of becoming overweight
  • Face less risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Children who run regularly will also have lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels.
  • Be more prepared and better equipped to handle emotional and physical challenges
  • Help children learn about perseverance
  • Making friends with common interests
  • Your child gets the chance to discover and develop talent. Many talented runners get into the sport when they are kids. If your child has a talent, they can begin to discover it
  • They will learn team skills
  • Teaching young children to cheer on their partners or help them out during a tough workout is teaching them compassion and to look out for others.
  • Races are a learning experience –

When your child sets goals and achieves them they will learn to apply this to other areas of their life too.

Running clubs for kids tips – to get your child started

Running clubs for kids tips - to get your child started

Running is a great exhilarating sport. It’s all about enjoying the outdoors, getting your heart going, and developing endurance. If you can as parents/guardians keep the focus of running on fun and freedom. When children are very young, ensure that you are not focusing on competitions or covering specific distances. The focus should be about having a good time and having fun. Before you enroll your child at a running club you may want to run with them first.

So here are a few tips to get your child started at running before enrolling them:

  • Make the run fun! Allow your child to dress up to run, get them some comfortable Trainers and a tracksuit or specific running t-shirt/shorts
  • Start slow with age appropriate distance. start with shorter distances and allow your child to build up their endurance
  • A bit of competitiveness is very healthy for kids to set and attain their own personal goals. Is more likely to keep them motivated

Nationwide Children’s Website

Running clubs for kids reccomendations

According to the Nationwide children’s sports website, there are  recommendations for level and intensity of training for children in all sports including running. They say that the number one rule is to emphasize fun, safety and fitness when it comes to children. Maximum running distances for children of different ages are as follows

Running is fun but like any sport does have risks involved. The following are a few guidelines that can keep a young runner on the track taken from the Nationwide children’s sports website

  • Remember to stretch before and after you run
  • Follow hard workout/running days with easy days
  • Do not run on slanted or uneven surfaces if possible
  • Use pain as your guide – if your child says they are hurting let them take a break and ensure to fully check them over

Free Running

Freerunning is different to typical running. It is an athletic and acrobatic discipline incorporating an aesthetic element, and can be considered either a sport or a performance art, or both. Freerunning is similar to parkour, from which it is derived, but emphasizes artistry over efficiency and speed

On our Club Hub directory we have Parkour and free running classes advertised. Come and learn how to Flip, Jump, Swing & Move around your environment in amazing ways! At spiral you will learn all kinds of Parkour movements and improve your confidence at the same time! Their classes are 1 hour long and neurodiversity friendly.

We hope you have found this article about running clubs for kids useful. New to Club Hub? You Can Find Kids Activities by searching on our App or Website –

Category: Sports

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