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Preparing for School for the First Time: Points to Cover

Published on 22nd September 2016 by Tessa Robinson

If you have a child who is going to go to school for the first time, that may be a challenge for the entire family. Lots of things should be taken into account, including the preferences of a child. Yes, that is important, even more important than the type of uniform, shoes, and other things.

Keeping all these points in mind is difficult. There is nothing to say here. You may, of course, spend a lot of time researching for the best solutions and ways out from your tough personal situation. You may review dozens of materials or think in a bit of a non-standard way. Think about thesis writing services as the right solution for your challenge. Ask somebody professional to research and prepare a brief overview of all things and tasks you need to do.

Find out More about School

Before starting preparations and making your final choice of a school where your child will go, it is necessary to get as much precise information about this school as you can. Our suggestion is not to rely on the description of services and views that appear on the school’s website. This is important for sure. Perfectly, if your target school has a view and vision about how the preparation of children should go there. Read that carefully and decide whether such an approach to studies suits your expectations.

There is a reason why it is necessary not to limit yourself to reading this program only. Ask your acquaintances about this school. If you don’t have anybody who is going to attend this school also, your acquaintances may have friends or other acquaintances whose children go or went to this school and can help you in forming a view about it.

At the end of this research, it is better to list the characteristics of this school. Consider in the same way other school options that may suit you also. Choosing the best one is the right choice.

Shortlisting What You Need to Do as a Parent

In this process, you should take proactive effort for sure. To help yourself, try to think about the result. What kind of a school child do you want to see? Of course, this view should be formed taking into account the demands your school has.

What are the most important things? Think about books and stationery your child should have? Decide which clothes are required for the good appearance of your child? What are other things your school requires? Make a list of all these required things. Keeping all those in mind is not a reliable option. You may find something missed or undone before the first day at school.

Preparing Your Child Morally

You need to talk about the purpose of school. It is required not to limit such talks to the importance of knowledge and purposeful studies. Studies at school are also a time of socialization and finding one’s preferences. Pay attention to your child in terms of these aspects also.

It is important to emphasize also a feeling of fear your child may have. Saying that it is natural to be afraid of a bit new surrounding is necessary, of course. But try to empathize, overcoming this feeling of fear and raising the interest of your child in these new surroundings. Make sure you provide arguments that are attributed and based on your real-life experience.

Always ask how a child feels while thinking about this situation of going to school. In this way, you may easily detect worrying feelings your child is experiencing at the moment and deal with those well. This should always be done in time for preventing any states of overwhelming or similar ones.

Developing the Child’s Planning and Time-management Skills

Try to turn out this challenging time for both of you into an extremely fruitful time. Here is why. Your child may not know (and don’t actually need) to know a lot of things related to the study program. That is the first year at school, don’t forget about that. Instead of forcing your child to know more (all knowledge will be increased gradually year by year), you may easily focus on the development and enhancing planning and time-management skills of your child. These are precious habits both at school and later in real life.

Your school baby should accustom oneself to planning ones’ schedule to cope with all tasks: develop required study skills, write an essay or other tasks, or make any necessary preparations and have a rest (extremely important!). Make your child accustomed to such kind of planning and time-management. It will help a lot in achieving more in the future thanks to the effective time and effort disposal. That is the easiest manner to explain the importance of planning and time management to a child.

During the first year, your participation and support are extremely important for developing these skills. In this way, a child may not only develop those but also support oneself later after your support will be ceased. An ability to manage time and priorities will help your child to succeed. Make this activity purposeful and joyful for getting more.

Final Words

Going to school for the first time is not a totally easy thing. But, it can be arranged well if you prepare well and tune your child to the right attitude. Less stress – more fun and joy. That is the right attitude to cope with high loads of tasks, talk about and solve study issues. Follow this advice and shape a happy school life for your child. Make or ask for help with research if you need this.

Category: Educational

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