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Netball Drills For Kids & Netball Clubs for Kids Near Me

Published on 5th September 2024 by Tessa Robinson

Netball is a great game for children with many benefits. In this article we will talk about Netball drills for kids. If you would like to find a kids netball club near you then why not take a look at our directory and see what you find.

In this article we will share beginner netball drills which will help children become knowledgeable in the basic skill set for the game whilst also enjoying themselves on the netball court. Netball has many benefits for children including:

  • Improving physical fitness
  • Improving mental acuity
  • Helping to develop social skills.

Netball drills for kids are a really good way to sharpen your on-court performance and practice footwork rules to enable you to play your best game.

Beginner netball drills are also good warm ups to get important muscles ready for team practice.

So without further ado let us share with you 5 top netball drills for kids. Remember before playing to always warm up and after to warm down to reduce the chance of injury.

5 Top Netball drills for kids

River Dance – Netball Drills For Kids

River Dance - Netball Drills For KidsSo our first netball drills for kids is a very simple one. The River Dance. During this netball drill you should stand face to face with your partner and hold onto each other by the shoulders or arms.

Both players must try to tag their partner’s feet with their own, without being tagged themselves. To make this a bit harder you could do this with your hands behind backs. This drill benefits: Practice fast, precise footwork and enhance coordination.

Two-pass challenge – Netball Drills For Kids

Two-pass challenge - Netball Drills For KidsChildren need to work in pairs with one ball between them, to begin with. Standing approximately 4 metres apart, pairs pass the ball using either a chest pass or bounce pass.

Introduce a second ball for those children who are ready to be challenged further. Both players pass the ball at the same time using their chosen type of pass.

Ice Cream – Netball Drills For Kids

Ice Cream - Netball Drills For Kids

We thought we definitely should include this drill in our  Netball drills for kids article. It’s called Ice cream. One player or coach will have a whistle while the other players jog around the court.

The whistle blow signifies to the others to make a low jump. As the jumping players’ first foot or ‘landing foot’ makes contact with the ground, they must yell “ice” (imagine that the landing foot is stuck in ‘ice’ to avoid the temptation to step).

As their second foot contacts the ground, they must yell “cream”. The initial landing or “ice” foot must stay grounded – to be used as a pivot point only. The other foot or “cream” foot can be moved to maintain balance. Another blow of the whistle signifies to continue jogging and repeat the process.

This fantastic ‘Netball drills for kids’ builds awareness of preconception to encourage more deliberate landings and proper footwork.

Rob the nest – Netball Drills For Kids

Rob the nest - Netball Drills For Kids

This netball drills for kids helps develop speed and emphasises the value of teamwork on the court.

Set a hoop up in the middle as a central ‘nest’, and place all the balls inside the hoop. Ideally, you would use tennis balls so that children don’t become accustomed to running with netballs. There should be enough for at least one ball per player.

Split the class into teams and set up team ‘nests’ around the outside of the central nest approximately 5 metres away.

One player at a time runs to the central nest, collects a ball and runs back to their team nest. The teams have to collect as many balls as possible until the central nest is empty. You can add another competitive element by allowing the children to steal balls from their opponent’s nests.

Figure of eight

Figure of eightOur final Netball drills for kids is called figure of eight. Each child should set up two cones 1 metre apart.

Make a figure of eight in-between the cones. Keep facing forwards throughout, so that they use sideways, forwards and backwards movements.Encourage the children to stay light, quick and on the balls of their feet with their heads up.

You can always add a third cone for higher ability.

Here are some fantastic Netball Clubs we would like to tell you about listed on our kids directory. They are called Eagles Netball Club, Netstars Netball and Sabina Netball Club.

Eagles Netball Club – Maidenhead

Eagles Netball Club - MaidenheadEagles is a friendly netball club based in Maidenhead, open to girls from age 7 upwards.  Established over 20 years ago, Eagles has built a reputation as one of the best netball clubs in the country, competing at regional and national level.

The club holds weekly training sessions where girls are taught the basics of netball in a fun and friendly atmosphere.  These sessions help to develop netball skills and fitness, as well as teamwork, respect for each other and self-belief.  There are opportunities for volunteering to help coach younger teams.

Eagles has teams that compete in the Berkshire Netball Junior League from U10 onwards, and Netball South Regional Leagues from U13.

See further details on our website and enter your details on the “Join Us” page.

Training Sessions are at Altwood School, Maidenhead

  • Years 3 & 4: Tuesdays 5pm
  • Year 5: Tuesdays 6pm
  • Year 6: Fridays 6pm

Netstars Netball – Battersea, Barnes, Esher, Fulham, Putney, Richmond, Twickenham & Whitstable.

Netstars Netball - Kent, South-West London and Surrey

Netstars Netball offer fun-filled, action-packed netball classes, leagues and camps for children aged 5-15 years old and the adults too!


Our outstanding netball coaches know just how to build confidence and skills. With fast paced and exciting sessions, we make sure you get fit, have fun and play your winning game.

Join our story and become the best you can be!

Netstars in is Kent, South-West London and Surrey

Battersea, Barnes, Esher, Fulham, Putney, Richmond, Twickenham, Whitstable and more coming soon…

For more info and to book your free trial see, we look forward to seeing you on court!

Sabina Netball Club in Kent

Our training session is Thursdays weekly 5.30 to 7.15 for all juniors under 16.

Bromley High School, Blackbrook Lane, Bickley, BR1 2TW

Sabina Netball club to drive netball and use our club as a feeder for players to develop in the sport.

Our Club Ethos:

  • Our club ethos is for our players to have a common objective WHICH is to want the best for the club and all members.
  • Kind to each other and respect and value different culture
  • Want to work hard, but humble.
  • Bond, share, mentor and support each other to achieve our goals.
  • Safety is key for us to ensure that our members can continue to perform in a safe environment with the knowledge that the club leaders will help to grow their talent, but mindful of the steps needed and respect the diversity to create the right club culture to perform at the highest level.

Our mission statement:

  • We champion to nurtured you mentally and physical to ensure we develop the whole person
  • We will look at each individual physio, strength and conditioning point of view and safeguard you.
  • We care about the individual well-being such as eating well and injury prevention
  • We will have integrity in regards to individual’s relationship challenges and priorities such as work and school.
  • We will mentor talent and support individuals’ growth.

Email: [email protected] 

Facebook @Sabinanetball

Twitter @Sabina_Netball

Instagram @Sabinanetball

We hope you have found the information on to netball drills for kids useful. We have lots of fantastic Netball classes listed on our directory. Take a look near you to find your nearest netball club near you. If you go to a netball club and they are not listed on our directory we would love to hear about them –

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