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Methods to find Coordinates of Points easily for students

Published on 22nd October 2019 by Tessa Robinson

Math is the subject that every student has to study whether in primary education or secondary education.

In higher education, there is a term that is known as coordinates of points and this needs to be calculated for multiple purposes.

As the internet has gone far, multiple tools are helpful for maths. Similarly, some tools can help mathematics students to solve their questions.

One of these tools is the calculator for finding the coordinates of points. This calculator is available online and can help you to instantly get the value.

In this article, we will discuss more the tips for students when finding the coordinates of points easily.

What are the coordinates of the point?

The point is the basic elements mentioned in the graph. The point is considered two be the line between two coordinates.

The definition of the points means the set of numbers which is utilized for knowing the location of the points on the graph.

The pair of numbers which is used for coordinates is allocated with the x and y coordinate. Both of these coordinates need to be identified and here, we will tell you how to find these coordinates:

Identification of the x-coordinate:

The x-coordinate is the first point of the graph which helps to identify the distance of the point along the horizontal axis or x-axis. When you are finding the x-coordinate, the following steps are taken into consideration:

  • Start drawing a line from the point towards the x-axis
  • The value where the line touch the axis is considered to be the value of the x-coordinate

Below is an example of finding the x-coordinate with the help of a graph.

Methods to find Coordinates of Points easily for students

In this graph, we can notice that the the value of coordinate B is 100 while the coordinate D holds the value of 400.

Identification of the y-coordinate:

As we have discussed before that the points are considered with the help of the two coordinates including the x and the y coordinate.

Now, when you have to find the value of the x-axis, you need to find the value of the y-axis.

The y-coordinate of a point is the value that is the area between the origin and the point along the vertical as well as the y-axis.

When you are finding the y-coordinate, the following steps are taken into consideration:

  • Start drawing a line from the point towards the y-axis
  • The value where the line touch the axis is considered to be the value of the y-coordinate

Below is an example of finding the y-coordinate with the help of a graph.

Methods to find Coordinates of Points easily for students

In this graph, we can notice that the value of coordinate B is 400 while coordinate D holds the value of 100.

Writing coordinates of points values

Once you have found the values for coordinates of points, you can easily write them with the help of the “ordered pair”.

Ordered pair is the standard method for writing the coordinates of points which helps to identify the value to be coordinate of the point.

Below is the example of an ordered pair:


Here the A represents the name of the points just to make difference between multiple points. The value of x represents how far is the distance between the x points is from the origin.

Similarly, the value of the y is the distance between the point “y” and the origin.

In the ordered pair, the first value is always set to the value of the x.

The value also identifies the direction on the graph. For example, if the value is positive, this means to go for the right and up while the negative means to go left and down.

How to find the coordinate of points?

The coordinates of points are always points between two points. The standard symbol is x1, x2, y1, and y2. While calculating the coordinate of points, we also need to find the ratio.

Below we have mentioned an example of finding the coordinate of points below:

X1 = 2,

Y1 = 6,

X2 = 3,

Y2 = 8,

M = 2,

N = 5,

Here, m and n represent the ratio of internal points.

Now, below mentioned formula will be used to find the coordinates of points:

(mx2+nx1/m+n , my2+ny1/m+n)

Now, applying the formula we get the answer:

(2 x 3 + 5 x 2 / 2 + 5 , 2 x 8 + 5 x 6 / 2 + 5)

Answer = (16 / 7 , 46 / 7)

Finding the coordinate of points through an online calculator

The above example shows how the question can be complex especially when the values are complex.

Students might get problems when solving these types of complex questions. However, to avoid this, there are several online coordinates to point calculator that can instantly give you the result.

Below, we have mentioned some of the best calculators for finding the coordinates of points:

1.   Meracalculator.com (https://www.meracalculator.com/graphic/points-coordinates.php)

The reason why this calculator is best for finding these questions is the solution that it displays to the users. It is one of the most accurate calculators as it also displays the whole solution in steps to help the students to learn from it.

For example, here is an example of how this tool shows the result:

Methods to find Coordinates of Points easily for students

This is a free and instant tool that can help you find the solution to any of the values without any registration or any subscription.

You just need

2.   GPS coordinates (https://gps-coordinates.org/distance-between-coordinates.php)

This is another calculator for finding the coordinates of points with easy to use interface. In case, you are finding the coordinates for traveling or for calculating the distance then this calculator is helpful.

You just need to enter the values for latitude and longitude for two coordinates. Once you enter, it would automatically generate the result for you.

Below is the screenshot of how it works:

2.   GPS coordinates 


When calculating the coordinates of points then the best way is to use an online calculator. This is because high students usually don’t have much time to solve complex questions.

The complex questions are usually difficult to solve while it doesn’t have accuracy when solving manually.

The online calculator usually has accuracy as well as a higher speed than manual calculation.

Category: Educational

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