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Lockdown Birthday

28th November 2020 by Club Hub Support

2020 has tested us all and it’s been hard on everyone, especially little ones who have missed out on so much. This includes special times of the year when they should be having parties with friends and celebrating. There is still a way to have fun and celebrate with them. Simply search for lockdown birthdays on our website and you will find hundreds of fun things to do and activities you can do in your own home.

Just because you can’t meet multiple people outside (dependent on tier) or go to places for days out and to do things it doesn’t mean you still can’t make an occasion special.  There are thousands of things you can still do if you search on our website using our quick and easy search function.  You can still make lockdown birthdays fun and something to remember. We have hundreds of ideas on our website and can help give you some inspiration.

Lockdown BirthdayNo matter what situation you are in, either full lockdown or tiers there is a solution for you. We are living in unprecedented times and we still have to find a way to try celebrate the things we can and to make little ones feel special around their birthdays. We have literally thousands of things to do and ideas for you no matter where in the UK are you. There’s still loads you can do even if limited to movement and travel and even if you can’t meet up with friends and family. We can give you many ideas and hopefully make things a little less stressful for you as we know how frustrating it can be to see your children upset or worried they won’t have a special big day.

You can get sent special activity boxes to your home addressed to the special person in question. Packed full of fun things to do and create all the while learning about new things and places. Search on our site for activity boxes and maybe even online classes and celebrate still if they have lockdown birthdays.

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