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How to boost your child’s confidence through cricket – Cricket tots UK

Published on 14th June 2022 by Tessa Robinson

How to boost your child’s confidence through cricket

How to boost your child’s confidence through cricket - Cricket Tots UKOver the past couple of years, we’ve all seen just how precious, and how extremely precarious, our children’s mental wellbeing is.

And the fact that they’ve missed out on so many opportunities for social interaction hasn’t helped, either.

All those little things that we used to take for granted and didn’t think twice about – like going to the park after lunch, playdates with their little pals, Sunday mornings at the local soft-play centre, and even a pat on the head and a smile from a neighbour or friendly passer-by – suddenly stopped being part of our normal daily life.

So it’s no surprise that our children’s confidence and self-esteem might have taken a bit of a knock.

And while we’re all now busy trying to get our old lives back as quickly as we can, we need to make sure our little ones get their childhoods back, too.

So how can Cricket tots help?

How to boost your child’s confidence through cricket - Cricket Tots UK

It’s a well-known fact that active kids are happy kids.

Taking part in any sport has a positive effect on your child’s mental and emotional health, and cricket is no exception.

Our fun and friendly classes for boys and girls aged 2 ½ – 5 years teach basic cricket skills through action-packed sessions that are fantastic for their all-round development.

Alongside all the physical benefits – such as developing their gross motor skills, and increasing their fitness and stamina – our classes will help boost your child’s confidence and social skills, as well as improve their mental wellbeing.

Because our sessions are lively and energetic, not only will your little one burn off their excess energy in a fun way, but all that running around releases lots of happy hormones which will give them an instant mood boost!

They’ll learn how to be part of a team by supporting, cheering, and helping each other, which will help their social skills come on leaps and bounds, as well as rebuild their sense of belonging and wellbeing.

Their self-confidence will soar through getting to play with other children again and learning new skills together.

And they’ll make lots of new friends along the way!

Kids love learning new things!

Remember how pleased with themselves your little one was the first time they stood without holding on, or took their first steps? Children love learning how to do new things – it gives them a real sense of pride and accomplishment!

Conquering new cricketing skills won’t only improve their confidence – their self-esteem will also get a much-needed boost as they master all the smaller steps needed to get them there.

At Cricket tots, your little one will get reward stickers every step of the way (who doesn’t love a sticker?), together with an end-of-term trophy to help celebrate their commitment and achievements.

Increased focus and attention

How to boost your child’s confidence through cricket - Cricket Tots UKAs well as helping them feel good, Cricket tots can increase your toddler or pre-schooler’s focus and attention – both of which are important skills to have when it comes to learning in general, and help with making sure they’re school-ready.

They’ll work on a range of different cricketing skills each week, including batting, catching, bowling, and fielding.

Even simple tasks, like lining up in a row, doing high fives at the end of a team talk, collecting balls for re-bowling, or saying their name for the register, have an important part to play in helping prepare them for school.

Whatever they’re doing, our tots always have a whale of a time doing it and leave with a big smile on their faces!

Ready for your little one to start the innings of a lifetime?

How to boost your child’s confidence through cricket - Cricket Tots UKWe LOVE seeing lots of happy, smiling children who grow in confidence each week!

We’ve designed our action-packed cricket classes specifically for toddlers & pre-schoolers – so boys & girls aged 2 ½ – 5 years.

Classes take place indoors – meaning rain will never stop play – and all our equipment is the perfect size and weight for tot-sized hands.

What’s more, our coaches all understand exactly how to get kids working and playing together effectively.

All children are welcome to come along for a free trial – visit www.crickettots.com/ to find out more or book your child’s space.

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