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Fencing Clubs for Kids Near Me

Published on 9th August 2024 by Tessa Robinson

Has your child expressed an interest in Fencing? Are you thinking that it would be great to find Fencing Clubs for kids near me? If so, this article is for you. In this article we will discuss what Fencing is, the benefits and try and find a fencing club for your child local to you on our kids directory – 

What is Fencing ?

Fencing Clubs for Kids Near Me

So before looking for Fencing Clubs for kids near to you here’s a little bit of information about what it is. According to Kiddle an online kids encyclopedia Fencing is a sports that involves two people with swords. The aim is to score “hits”. There is also a referee. 

The skill of fencing, or fighting with a sword, has been practiced in all parts of the world for many centuries. Men, and sometimes women, fought battles with many different types of swords. Some trained seriously for the deadly combat of the duel. After duels were forbidden by law, the sport of fencing remained popular.

Many years ago when two people argued they fenced. The first one to draw blood was wrong and the person would be dead, so the person that won would claim the dead person’s house and belongings. (Obviously today this is much safer and no one is aiming to injure their opponent). 

Why is Fencing so popular?

Fencing Clubs for kids is quickly becoming a popular sport for parents to choose for their children for a number of reasons. 

  • It’s beneficial for both the brain and body, as fencing is one of the only sports that requires a mental skill that matches the physical skill that’s required
  • Fencing can be taken as a serious competitive sport, fitness regimen or recreational hobby. 
  • Fencing helps to improve flexibility, reflexes, speed & agility that provide all rounded form of mental and physical exercise essential for total health & wellness

Top Benefits of Fencing

Fencing Clubs for Kids Near Me

Once you have found some fencing clubs near to you, get your child to have a taster session and see what they think! There are so many benefits here are just a few physical benefits 

  • Fencing clubs for kids gives a high-impact aerobic workout.
  • Fencing clubs enable stamina, strength, and coordination to be built.
  • Similarly to dance fencing helps to develop a sense of body awareness,
  • Physical aize doesn’t matter, only skill matters.

Fencing could be described as a physical game of chess. The key is learning to think strategically so that you can score a hit, or point.  Here are some emotional, and intellectual benefits of finding a fencing club for kids near you. 

  • Fencing improves your child’s strategic thinking and academic discipline
  •  Some universities will offer fencing scholarships.  
  • Fencing is a wonderful tool to improve confidence.  
  •  Fencing requires bold moves and certainty both in defense and offense.
  • Fencing is a sport where parents and children can compete together.
  • Fencing can help expand your child’s social circle

Fencing clubs for kids near me:

VF Fencing Club (Reading)

VF Fencing Club (Reading)

VF Fencing club if you live in or near to Reading and you are looking for Fencing clubs near you then this is a great club! They offer Fencing clubs with Metal swords for children from 7 to 11 years old. They also offer lessons with plastic swords for 6 – 10 year olds.
Beginners are welcome. They provide all of the equipment!

Taster session are available. The cost is £99 per term. They offer collective sessions, 1:1 lessons, after-school clubs and holiday camps.

Days: Thursday, term time only

Times: 6.30-7.30pm

Age Range: 7 – 11

Price: £99 per term

Inspion Sports Richmond Club

Inspion Sports Richmond Club

The Inspion Sports Richmond Club is another one of the most fantastic fencing clubs for kids. It is run by Nathan Hoyte. Classes consist of an active warm-up, cardio and strength-building exercises, fencing related games, fencing footwork drills, development of technical fencing skills and sparring.

If you live in or close to Richmond why not check it out. The classes every Saturday from 30th April to 2nd July. There are a total of 10 sessions for each age group during this period, and the times are as follows:

  • Kinder session for 3-5 year olds (9:00-9:45)
  • Beginner/Intermediate class for 6-12 year olds (10:00-11:00)
  • Intermediate/Advanced Club for 7-18 year olds (11:00-13:00)

Days: Saturdays

Times: Kinder session for 3-5 year olds (9:00-9:45)Beginner class for 6-11 year olds (10:00-11:00)Intermediate class for 12-18 year olds (11:00-13:00)Adults class for 18+ ages (12:00 – 13:00)

Age Range: 3 – 99

Price: £15 per session

Fencing – a Brief History

According to British Fencing, modern fencing dates from the late 15th century when civilians began carrying swords for the first time. 

  • Their weapon of choice was the rapier, which was essentially a thrusting rather than a cutting sword, something that could be used to settle matters of honour relatively quickly.  
  • It was introduced in Spain and then Italy before spreading across the rest of Europe. 
  • During the first half of the 17th century fashions changed and the rapier 
  • By the mid-17th century the rapier had been superseded in France by the lighter and more maneuverable small sword. 
  • Epee fencing was introduced in France in the 1860s as a reaction against the artificial conventions of foil
  • By the early 1900s, Italian masters had introduced the principles of the lightweight sabre to all fencing countries
  • It is said that the tip of a fencing weapon is the second fastest object in sport … after a bullet!

Fencing Clubs for Kids with ADHD

Fencing Clubs for Kids with ADHD

When you are a parent or caregiver to a child with ADHD or special educational needs. Finding the right activity or sport can be challenging. However research has shown that fencing can help to channel their energy and focus but also teach valuable life skills. 

Fencing is physically and mentally demanding and requires quick thinking, strategy, and discipline. It’s a sport that values tradition, history, and respect for the rules and opponents. These values align perfectly with what children with ADHD need to learn and develop.

Dr. David Anderson, a clinical psychologist, and ADHD specialist says:

“Fencing is a great sport for children with ADHD. It requires focus and concentration, which can be difficult for kids with ADHD to maintain. But because fencing is so fast-paced, it can hold their attention longer than other sports.”

Fencing for kids with ADHD can be extremely beneficial. It requires focus and discipline, teaches valuable life skills, and provides a physical outlet for excess energy. It’s a sport that can help children with ADHD to channel their energy in a positive and productive way.

Best Age to Start Fencing for Kids

There is no set age when your child should start fencing. However, typically most fencers start around age 9.  Most fencing clubs will not accept children under age 7 as the balance and hand-eye co-ordination needed to fence are not sufficiently well developed before age 7.

Older beginners, children who are 12 or 13 when they start, need a great deal more commitment to catch up if they intend to become competitive fencers.

We hope you have enjoyed reading this article on “fencing clubs for kids near me” and that you are able to find a fencing club near to you using our directory. You can search for more fencing clubs on our directory now –

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