Days: Monday 7th to Wednesday 9th April 2025
Times: 9.30 am to 4 pm (with performance at 4 pm on Wednesday)
Age Range: 7 - 11
Price: £180 per session
Age Range: School Year 3 to Year 6
Dates: Monday 7th to Wednesday 8th April 2025
Workshop times: 9.30 am to 4 pm (with performance at 4 pm on Wednesday)
Wrap Around Care times: 8.30 am to 5 pm (except for Weds when children leave after performance) – see below for more info
Cost: With out Wrap Around Care £180 per child (sibling and early bird discounts available)
With Wrap Around Care extra £15/£7.50 per day per child (more details below)
A Play in 3 days is a fun-filled drama workshop offering children aged 7-11 years the opportunity to devise, rehearse and perform a play under the guidance of our experienced Drama Facilitators.
Throughout the 3 days, the group will create their own version of the story inspired by the classic tale The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. They will develop characters, learn stagecraft skills, devise scenes to build their play for a performance on the final afternoon for families to enjoy. This process is designed to develop creative thinking, drama, and improvisation skills and build confidence and teamwork.
Students can let their imagination run wild as they not only create their version of the story through ensemble work. Will Lucy ever persuade Peter and Susan that Narnia exists, will Aslan come to their rescue and will the “two Sons of Adam and two Daughters of Eve” sit on the four thrones of Cair Paravel? So much to explore in this wonderful tale and there is no limit to what can be achieved; who knows what strange and wonderful battles and characters can be created and what worlds their audiences will be transported to?
Not only will they received guidance and help from our Facilitators but they will be given props and costumes to help create the world of their play.
It will be a few days of building fun memories, learning new skills, and making new friends.
This is available as below
Mornings – 8.30 am and 9.30 am (the start time of the workshop)
Evenings – 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm on Monday & Tuesday only (student will go home after the performance on the Wednesday)
Wrap around care is a day rate and children can be dropped off or picked up at any time during the wrap around care window as above. To book then simply add the relevant day/days when booking the main workshop.
What will the children do during this time? The children will have the opportunity to enjoy crafting and/or games during this time. They are free to bring some snack and drink with them (in addition to that needed for the day) which can be eaten at this time.
Due to limited spaces available, it is recommended that parents/guardians book early to avoid disappointment. Early bird and Sibling discount are available, simply email us at [email protected] for promo codes and booking information.
All children will need to bring is their willingness to get stuck in, their imagination, comfy clothing, and plenty of food and drink to keep their energy levels up.
Please note we are not a specialist SEND provision and the student should be comfortable learning in an energetic group environment. We regret that we cannot offer 121 support in group classes. For more information please read our Student Inclusivity Statement.