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Private Ante-Natal Classes with Ongoing Doula Support

At a Glance

Days: Agreed with client

Times: Agreed with client

Age Range: Antenatal - 0

Price: £500 per session

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Activity Description

Enjoy a private ante-natal course and on-going doula support in the comfort of your own home at a time of your choosing with an experienced doula and birth educator.

This birth preparation and hypnobirthing course provides all you need to prepare for birth, as well as spending time to focus on the postnatal period. ‘Hypnobirthing’ is in essence about understanding the physiology of birth and how to approach it calmly and confidently in tune with your body and baby. By understanding physiological birth, we can begin to dispel fear around it and learn how to experience the intensity of it in a manageable way. The use of breathing and relaxation techniques combined with a deeper understanding and respect for the natural birth process, can have a profound and positive impact. All birth is different, and no type of birth is better than the other – it is all sacred and momentous. However, how we experience our birth is key and can have long-term implications for us and our babies. As our experience is shaped by our mental state, including whether we feel informed and respected, it is worth taking the time to prepare and to understand the benefits, risks and alternatives to all decisions.

The aim of this course to provide you with the tools you need to positively prepare for your birth; this could be natural, with pharmaceutical forms of pain relief or an abdominal birth. We discuss all these plus risk-factors, inductions and interventions, choice of birthplace, the role of the birth partner, baby-feeding, baby-wearing and safe-sleeping (and much more!), so that you leave with the confidence to make decisions that you feel are best for you and your baby.

My private ante-natal course at your home is £500 and includes:

4 in-depth ante-natal meetings of approximately 2 hours each with you and any birth partner to prepare for birth (this includes full hypnobirthing/birth preparation teaching, access to audio relaxations and affirmations, birth aromatherapy tips and birth plan preparation). A post-natal planning session to prepare for life after birth and discuss baby-feeding, baby-wearing, baby-sleep etc.

Being available to you to provide support by phone during our time working together – this includes having a WhatsApp group with you and any birth partner to share birth videos and birth, baby-feeding and baby-wearing resources etc, and generally being around for any queries that arise.

Lending of any relevant books, TENS machine, birthing ball and/or birthing pool (depending on availability).

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All Year Round
Life Skills
Communication and Language Skills
Mindfulness and Well-being
Activity Location
Address: Homerton, London, UK
City: London
Town: London
Post Code: E5 0EQ

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