Days: 23/09/2024, 30/09/2024, 7/10/2024, 14/10/2024, 21/10/2024, 28/10/2024, 04/11/2024, 11/11/2024, 18/11/2024
Times: 13.00 - 13.45
Age Range: Antenatal - 0
Price: £89.00 per month
Pregnancy Pilates is a tailored pregnancy class, especially designed for mums to be from around 14 weeks.
Classes are dedicated to preparing your body for the big day and beyond, helping with balance, pelvic floor, strength-building and relaxation.
There are a number of monthly plan options:
unlimited pregnancy plan – £55 (in person and zoom classes)
unlimited mum and baby plan – £89 (in person and zoom classes)
mini plan – from £45 each month pick n mix any 5,6,7, or 8 classes
class pass – £50 any 4 classes (use within 8 weeks)