Days: Saturdays Term Time
Times: 13:00-13:45
Age Range: 4 - 7
Price: £18.35 per month
4 – 7 years
Saturdays 1pm – 1.45pm
Acro is such a rewarding genre of performing arts!
Your child will build themselves a catalogue of movements, from forward rolls, to cartwheels, to hand springs and building up to the elusive aerial!
Acro is a very performance based artform, your child will be excited to show you what they’ve learned in class and we are always so impressed by the ability of the children after a few short weeks!
Acro will help with body strength, flexibility and confidence and works perfectly alongside genres such as modern and Jazz, especially when it comes to show work!
It is an amalgamation of both Dance technique and acrobatic movements. The transition is made to be elegant, smooth and dynamic. The new, athletic movements will be added into performances to allow your child to perform what they have been perfecting in class.