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Best Activities for Kids to Learn Languages

Published on 8th June 2016 by Tessa Robinson

Everyone loves to play because it’s interesting and fun. Natural and active learning in the form of games is the basis of a successful training program for kids of any age. Play is a component of the learning process because the child learns the world through play. So we offer you the top action games for learning the language, which will help to consolidate the acquired knowledge.

Playing is Pleasure

From the earliest childhood, the child communicates with the world through play, because it is a way of knowing reality and learning languages. But, unfortunately, some teachers forget about it, although play activities are typical for children of all ages. Here is a list of activities for students of all ages that help in learning new languages.

  • Snowball

It is one of the most common types of lexical game, this game can be used when studying any topic. The game is designed to activate vocabulary, train memory, and promote attention. The teacher says, “I have a grandmother,” and asks the first student to repeat the teacher’s words and add his own, “I have a grandmother and an uncle.” The game continues until each participant recreates the established string of words.

  • Word-search grid

A game to develop attention, observation, and activation of active vocabulary. The board draws a field in the form of a grid of cells, in each of which is written the letter of the alphabet. Interesting tales about 10 reasons why you should learn languages that you probably have already heard. Among the letters are encrypted words on a particular topic. The student’s task is to find the given words among the letters on their own, based on the list at the bottom of the page.

  • Up and down

It’s a kind of lexical game. This game also allows children to move a little. The teacher hands out 3-4 cards with words, shows a picture. The student who has the appropriate word should stand up, name, and show the world. Drawings should be shown quickly to increase the activity and attentiveness of students.

  • Missing vowels

This is easy to prepare and conduct, an interesting game to learn a new language. Students’ task is to insert missing vowels into words. Everything can be written both on the board and using handouts.

The teacher hangs 10 cards on the board on a certain topic, all together saying the words. When the teacher asks everyone to close their eyes, he removes one of the cards. Students have to guess which card is missing and name the whole series of 10 words. The game continues until there are no pictures left on the board and students name all the words.

  • Bingo

The teacher prepares a list of words (names of animals, shops, furniture, school supplies, etc.). Each student draws a square on a piece of paper, divides it into 9 small squares. Write a letter in each square. Students are given 3-5 minutes to complete this task, after which the teacher reads aloud the words from his list. Students cross out the words in their squares. Whoever gets three crossed-out words vertically, horizontally or diagonally, says: “Bingo.”. This student wins.

  • Crosses – zeros

The teacher divides the class into two teams – “crosses” and “zeros”. The board shows a square divided into 9 smaller squares. The name of the topic is written in each square, for example, animals, seasons, food, weather, professions, clothes, etc. Each team chooses a category, and the teacher reads the questions to this category. If the players answer the question, the teacher puts the icon of the team that gave the answer: a cross or a zero in the cell of the topic that was answered correctly. The team with three crosses or zeros in a row wins.

  • Eat — Don’t eat

A teacher or student throws a ball to another student by saying a word. If the word means an edible object, the child catches the ball, and if it is inedible, he throws it away.

The teacher brings a box or bag to the classroom, where there are many items whose names are known to the students. Students take turns asking the question: Is there a… in the box (bag)? The teacher gets the guessed object. Attached to it is a piece of paper with the number of points the student has earned. Frequently used items (pencil, pen, notebook, book) can “cost” one point, items whose presence in the class is a surprise (flower, cup, toy dog, etc.) can be evaluated with more points. The winner is the one who guesses the items for more points.

  • Say the next word game

The teacher names the day of the week, month, date, or numerator. Students take turns quickly naming the next day, month, date. For each correct word, the student gets a point. This game can be played in a team or individual championship.

  • Check yourself

Students are offered a topic (school, animals, clothes, weather, character, and appearance), on which for 1.5 – 2 minutes. They should write as many words as possible. Students take turns reading the words. If the word is repeated, it is deleted. The winner is the one who has more words left

Just Play

Of course, now there exist professional translation services that help with expert translation and localization to and from many languages and dialects. They charge a lot for their top quality, of course. So, you still have time to invest in the future and study a new language with your kid.

To learn English comprehensively, you need to approach from all sides: learn phrases, listen, read, write, speak and play. So many useful resources can be found in today’s world. All you need is the desire to use them. Imagine being able to play and learn a language. The result will be great because when you are passionate about something, memorization is easier, faster, and more efficient. Therefore, today we offer a selection of games for learning the language.


Michael Carr is the author of the best articles about life, children, and school. With pleasure to write for such nice people, he does his best to search for best-matching information based only on up-to-date resources. His articles are usually rather vivid and insightful as Michael finds the material interesting and helpful himself. Cheers!

Category: Languages, Learning

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