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7 Useful Tips for Starting a Toy Library

Published on 6th March 2023 by Tessa Robinson

Starting a toy library is an exciting endeavour for anyone passionate about children. It can be as simple as setting up a few shelves in your house, or it can become much larger with the help of volunteers and donations from local businesses. Whether you’re creating a massive pop-up toy library, or just managing an inventory system for your small collection, this article will help get you started.

7 Useful Tips for Starting a Toy Library

1 – Develop a mission statement

One thing that is important before starting your toy library is to define a goal and ensure that it meets the needs of your community.  Also, you need to think about what ages you’re thinking about focusing on, and what types of books and toys you want to have in your collection. Defining these points will help you smoothly start your project.

2 – Find a secure space and resources

Once you have your mission statement in place, then it’s time to secure physical space for your toy library. If it’s small enough, you may be able to manage it from home. But if you need more space for larger collections or activities, you’ll need to find a dedicated area where people can come and borrow toys. You also need to consider what resources are necessary for managing the toy library such as computers for inventory tracking or shelves for organising the toys.

A very interesting alternative, if you don’t have a physical space, is to create a pop-up-style toy library. To do this, you can take the help of a storage container, you can buy it, decorate it the way you want and assemble the toy library in your way. After, you just need to look for libraries, community centres or other possible locations to pop up.

If you are whiling where to find a storage container to start, Local Storage is a comparison website that can help you to find the perfect container for your toy library. Additionally, they offer a size guide tool where you can find out which type and size of container is ideal for your needs which you can learn more here.

Don’t forget to research local laws and regulations, as well as health and safety measures to make sure you are operating within legal parameters.

3 – Create an inventory system

Creating an inventory system is essential to keep track of what toys are in your collection and who has borrowed them. It’s also important for knowing when items need to be returned or replaced. There are many software programs available that can help you to manage an inventory system, but if you’re on a tight budget, you can also create a simple spreadsheet for tracking purposes.

4 – Develop rules

Creating rules is essential to ensure that the toy library runs smoothly and safely. These may include guidelines about borrowing and returning toys, any fees associated with the toy library program, or even regulations about cleaning toys before returning them. Also, decide how you will manage the lending process, including policies around membership fees, loan periods, overdue fees, etc.

5 – Find help

Find volunteers and staff members who are knowledgeable about libraries and can help with day-to-day operations, this is important because it will help you free up more of your time and resources. Additionally, having a team of people who share your passion for the project can also help to bring new ideas and enthusiasm.

6 – Don’t forget to ask for donations

Another important tip is to identify potential donors and partners who may be able to provide toys or other resources for the library. You can look for local businesses, bookstores, and toy companies to see if they would be willing to donate their products or support the library financially. This will also help to make your community more interested in your project.

7 – Promote your library

The last step is to promote your library to attract more members. Consider creating a website, social media page, or even flyers that will showcase all the amazing resources available at your toy library.  You can also reach out to local schools and daycares who may be interested in partnering with you for educational activities or field trips. Once everything is ready, it’s time to open the doors and welcome kids to your toy library.

With these tips, you’ll be able to create a successful and memorable toy library for the community. Good luck.

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